Maria Bergström
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Docent at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
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Short presentation
Maria Bergström is Associate Professor of European Law. She holds a Doctor of Laws from the European University Institute in Florence. Her research interests and publications include judicial protection of private parties and EU criminal law and procedure in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
- anti money laundering
- electronic data
- eu charter
- eu criminal law
- eu criminal law cooperation
- european investigation order
- fragmentation and integration
- fundamental rights
- methods of integration
- methods of interpretation
- multi-agency cooperation
- mutual legal assistance
- mutual recognition
- rule of law
A Centralisation of Rulemaking in Europe? The Legal and Political Governance of the Financial Market, RSCAS, 2020-2021;
European Commission DG Justice funded projects:
Mould EIO Review, MEIOR, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2022-2024
CrossJustice - Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation, University of Bologna and the Centre for Judicial Cooperation, RSCAS, 2020-2021
e-Nact project, European University Institute, EUI, Advisory Board Member 2017-2019
European Commission DG Justice, JUD-IT – Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Electronic IT Data in the EU: Ensuring Efficient Cross-Border Co-operation and Mutual Trust – Coordinated by Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS, Partner 2017-2019
European Commission DG Justice, ACTIONES – Active Charter Training through Interaction of National ExperienceS – Coordinated by European University Institute, EUI, Partner 2015-2017
European Commission DG Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, Charterclick! – A User Friendly Tool to Detect Violations of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Coordinated by Florence University, Co-Beneficiary 2015-2017
Selection of publications
- EU Law in the Digital Age (2025)
- The EU's Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in a Digital and Fragmented World (2024)
- The Swedish Data Retention Saga – from EU Initiator to Penalty Payments, Reviewed and Revised National Rules (2024)
- The Criminal Law and Procedure of Sweden (2024)
- Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (2024)
- EU:s regelverk mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism i en digital och fragmenterad värld (2023)
- Ne bis in idem (2022)
- [Review:] The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law, I. Wieczorek (Oxford: Hart, 2020) (2021)
- The Dynamic Evolution of EU Criminal Law and Justice – (2020)
- The Impact of the Case C-617/10 (2019)
- The Many Uses of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation – Over time and into the future (2018)
- Mutual Recognition in Criminal Justice (2016)
- Judicial Protection for Private Parties in European Commission Rulemaking (2016)
- Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (2016)
- European Police and Criminal Law Co-operation (2014)
- Spillover or Activist Leapfrogging? (2007)
Recent publications
- EU Law in the Digital Age (2025)
- The EU's Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in a Digital and Fragmented World (2024)
- The Swedish Data Retention Saga – from EU Initiator to Penalty Payments, Reviewed and Revised National Rules (2024)
- The Criminal Law and Procedure of Sweden (2024)
- Expert opinion, Juridiska Fakultetsnämndens remissyttrande till Justitiedepartementet, Enheten för lagstiftning om allmän ordning och säkerhet, Ökat informationsflöde till brottsbekämpningen - En ny huvudregel (SOU 2023:69), 11 januari 2024. (2024)
All publications
- [Review:] The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law, I. Wieczorek (Oxford: Hart, 2020) (2021)
- The Many Uses of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation – Over time and into the future (2018)
- Petter Asp, Internationell straffrätt. Svensk straffrätt II. Iustus Förlag. 2011. 177 s. (2012)
- EU som lagstiftare inom straffrätten och reglerna mot penningtvätt (2011)
- A New Role for For-profit Actors? (2011)
- Privatoffentliga partnerskap och EU-rätten (2009)
- Privatoffentliga partnerskap, direkt effekt och det funktionella statsbegreppet (2008)
- Det nationella genomförandeutrymmet (2008)
- Domstolsprocesser har blivit ett allt vanligare sätt att nå politiska mål (2006)
- Polis- och straffrättsligt samarbete på frammarsch? (2006)
- Straffrättsliga påföljder inom ramen för den första pelaren (2006)
- Rätten till ett verksamt domstolsskydd (2004)
- Lagenligheten av de svenska alkoholinförselreglerna (2004)
- Gemenskapslagstiftaren kvitterar i det andra tobaksmålet (2003)
- Mycket väsen för ingenting? (2002)
- Precisering av EG:s kompetens (2001)
- Slaget om Mullaghmore (2000)
- EU Law in the Digital Age (2025)
- Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (2024)
- Harmonising EU competition litigation : the new directive and beyond (2016)
- EU Civil Justice (2016)
- Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (2016)
- European Police and Criminal Law Co-operation (2014)
- Interests and Actors in European Police and Criminal Justice Cooperation (2011)
- Advocacy Groups and Multilevel Governance (2003)
- The EU's Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in a Digital and Fragmented World (2024)
- The Swedish Data Retention Saga – from EU Initiator to Penalty Payments, Reviewed and Revised National Rules (2024)
- The Criminal Law and Procedure of Sweden (2024)
- EU Criminal Law: A Research Handbook (2024)
- Money Laundering (2024)
- EU:s regelverk mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism i en digital och fragmenterad värld (2023)
- Ne bis in idem (2022)
- Legal Perspectives on Money Laundering (2019)
- The Impact of the Case C-617/10 (2019)
- Sweden (2018)
- The Global AML Regime and the EU AML Directives (2018)
- Judicial Protection for Private Parties in European Commission Rulemaking (2016)
- Money Laundering (2016)
- Mutual Recognition in Civil and Criminal Justice (2016)
- The Dynamic Evolution of EU Criminal Law (2014)
- Introduction (2014)
- Sweden (2013)
- The Place of Sanctions in the EU System for Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2013)
- From Global Rules and Standards to Enforceable National Provisions (2013)
- The Place of Sanctions in the EU System for Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2013)
- Europaprocess (2011)
- EU Anti-Money Laundering Regulation (2011)
- EU-rätten och bestämmelserna om aktiva åtgärder i de svenska diskrimineringslagarna (2010)
- New Modes of Constitution Making (2007)
- Legal Means, Political Ends (2006)
- Europaprocess (2005)
- EU:s lagstiftningskompetens inom Lissabonstrategin (2005)
- Research and Development (1996)
- The Dynamic Evolution of EU Criminal Law and Justice – (2020)
- Mutual Recognition in Criminal Justice (2016)
- Different Models of Public Private Cooperation within Anti-Money Laundering : The Collecting and Sharing of Information in the UK and Sweden. Paper presented at the First Uppsala University European Law Colloquium on Freedom, Security and Justice: Information and Data Protection: Towards more Freedom, Security or Justice, Uppsala 13-14 January 2011. (2011)
- Overview of the EU System for Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2011)
- The Securitization of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation (2011)
- Different Models of Public Private Cooperation within Anti-Money Laundering (2011)
- Actors, Interests and Multi-Blurring of Boundaries in Anti-Money Laundering Implementation: A Procedural Approach (2010)
- Private Enforcement Mechanisms and the Dynamic Notion of the State (2008)
- A PPP Analysis from a Community Law Perspective: Some Preliminary Notes, paper presented at Workshop om privatoffentliga relationer – ansvar, effektivitet och juridik. (2007)
- Report on the European Union Anti-Money Laundering Regulation, Draft for the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia, 7 May 2021. (2021)
- Study on criminal sanction legislation and practice in representative Member States (2014)
- Arvet från Oxenstierna (2012)
- Study on the legal framework for the protection of EU financial interests by criminal law (2011)
- Achievements and Challenges towards a European Migration Policy (2010)
- Spillover or Activist Leapfrogging? (2007)
- Rättsliga handlingsalternativ efter ratificeringskrisen (2006)
- Expert opinion, Juridiska Fakultetsnämndens remissyttrande till Justitiedepartementet, Enheten för lagstiftning om allmän ordning och säkerhet, Ökat informationsflöde till brottsbekämpningen - En ny huvudregel (SOU 2023:69), 11 januari 2024. (2024)
- Expert opinion, Juridiska Fakultetsnämndens remissyttrande till Justitiedepartementet, Enheten för brottmålsärenden och internationellt rättsligt samarbete, PM om kompletterande bestämmelser till vissa delar av avtalet mellan Europeiska unionen och Förenade kungariket, 15 mars 2021. (2021)
- Expert opinion, Juridiska Fakultetsnämndens remissyttrande till Justitiedepartementet, Departements-promemorian En effektivare handläggning av ärenden om överförande av straffverkställighet (Ds 2019:9), Ju2019/01863/BIRS, 23 september 2019 (2019)
- Polis- och straffrättsligt samarbete på frammarsch (2006)
- The Battle of Mullaghmore (1999)
- Parlamentarismen och den Europeiska unionen (1995)