Éva Á. Csató Johanson
Professor in Turkic Languages at Department of Linguistics and Philology
- E-mail:
- Eva.Csato@lingfil.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 635
751 26 UPPSALA
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- 0000-0002-8252-1373
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Short presentation
Éva Á. Csató, born in Hungary, is professor emeritus in Turkic languages at Uppsala University, Sweden. She studied linguistics and Turcology at the University of Oslo. Her research interests include Turkic linguistics, syntactic typology, contact linguistics, documentation, and revitalization of endangered Turkic languages. She has published over 150 titles and edited more than 10 volumes on different Turkic linguistic topics.
- comparative turkic linguistics
- contact linguistics
- endangered languages
- karaim
- kashkay
- kipchak languages
- turkic linguistics
- turkish syntax
- typology
Born in Hungary. Took her first degree at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Studied later linguistics and Turcology at the University of Oslo and took a Norwegian degree corresponding to Ph.D. in 1985. 1985-1989 research fellow at the University of Oslo. 1990-1998 teaching at the universities of Mainz, Mannheim and Hamburg and later research fellow at the University of Cologne. In 1998 associate professor, later the first Swedish professor in Turkic languages at Uppsala University. Since 2016 professor emerita.
Her research interests include Turkic linguistics, syntactic typology, contact linguistics, documentation, and revitalization of endangered Turkic languages. She has published over 150 articles and edited more than 10 volumes on different Turkic linguistic topics. She is in the editorial board of the journal Turkic Languages and editor of the Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics (Brill) to be published online in 2022. She is a co-editor of Turcologica Upsaliensia (2021) a richly illustrated volume telling the stories of scholars, travellers, diplomats and collectors who made discoveries in the Turkic-speaking world while affiliated with Sweden’s oldest university, at Uppsala. Together with Lars Johanson she published the second revised edition of the standard handbook The Turkic Languages (Routledge, 2022).
She is external collaborator of The Archaeolinguistic Research Group headed by Martine Robbeets at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
Selection of publications
- Uppsala Üniversitesinde Türkoloji çalışmaları (2016)
- Preface to the Turkish translation / Türkçe çeviriye sunuş (2016)
- Lithuanian Karaim (2016)
- 189. Karaim (2016)
- Editorial note (2016)
- Explorations of Turkic languages and varieties (2016)
- Turks and Iranians (2016)
- Spoken Ottoman in Mediator Texts (2016)
- The present state of Karaim Studies (2015)
- Language attitudes and linguistic habits of young Kazakhs in Xinjiang (2015)
- Perceived formal and functional equivalence: The Hungarian ik-conjugation. (2014)
- Areal features of copula sentences in Karaim as spoken in Lithuania (2014)
- Vocalism in two Kashkay varieties of the Amaleh tribe (2014)
- Two degrees of grammaticalization of a Turkic postverb (2014)
- Profesör Walther Björkman’in mirası (2014)
- Growing apart in shared grammaticalization (2013)
- Orientalia Suecana Vol LXI (2012) (2013)
- On the sustainability of inflectional morphology (2012)
- Modal categories in Karaim: a case of complex contact morphology (2012)
- Lithuanian Karaim. Litvanya Karaycası (2012)
- Språkdokumentation (2012)
- Orientalia Suecana Vol. LXI (2012) (2012)
- Orientalia Suecana: Vol. LX (2011) (2012)
- Clause linking in spoken Turkish (2011)
- Karaim Summer Language Schools in Trakai 2003-2010 (2011)
- A symposium on Kazakh in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan (2011)
- A typological coincidence (2011)
- Recent developments in Kazak as spoken in the People’s Republic of China (2011)
- Report on an Uppsala workshop on Karaim studies (2010)
- Orientalia Suecana (2010)
- Hotade språk och forskarens ansvar (2010)
- Turkish and Swedish mental verbs in crosslingusitic perspective (2010)
- Integritetens ö: Burgaz och den turkiske filmregissören Halit Refiğ (2010)
- Using Parallel Corpora in Data-Driven Teaching of Turkish in Sweden. (2010)
- On Uyghur relative clauses (2010)
- The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank (2010)
- Two conferences in Northern Cyprus (2009)
- Two types of complement clauses in Turkish (2009)
- Rendering evidential meanings in Turkish and Swedish (2009)
- Orientalia Suecana (2009)
- Turcological Letters to Bernt Brendemoen (2009)
- Türkçe öğretiminde İnternet (2009)
- Karaim studies at Uppsala (2008)
- Turkic languages at CUN in Beijing (2008)
- Caraimica upsaliensia (2008)
- Karayca diğer Avrupa dillerinden daha mı arı olmalı? (2007)
- Multiliteracy, past and present, in the Karaim communities (2007)
- Multimedia (2006)
- Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion (2005)
- Ármin Vámbéry — en ungarsk dervisch och hans äventyrliga liv (2003)
- Copied features of Turkic reflexives (2003)
- Multimedia and the documentation of endangered languages (2003)
- Tïnčlïx džanïna! (2002)
- The Karaim language in Halych (2002)
- Conference on Areas of Iranian-Semitic-Turkic convergence (2001)
- Reflections on non-conforming word orders (2001)
- Syntactic code-copying in Karaim (2001)
- Karaim dictionary on CD-ROM (2001)
- Turkic double verbs in a typological perspective (2001)
- Present in Kashkay (2001)
- En lingvistisk upptäcktsresa bland turkiska nomader i Iran (2001)
- Some syntactic variation in Turkish dialects (2000)
- A syntactic asymmetry in Turkish (2000)
- Syntactic code-copying in Karaim (2000)
Recent publications
- Homage to the Last Speakers of Halich Karaim (2024)
- Kuman (2024)
- The verb in Northeastern Turkic (2024)
- Clause Chaining in Turkic (2024)
- Türkçe MIŞ ve IMIŞ ögeleri işlevsel çözümlemenin boyutları (2023)
All publications
- Türkçe MIŞ ve IMIŞ ögeleri işlevsel çözümlemenin boyutları (2023)
- Southwest (Halich) Karaim (2023)
- On the grammaticalization of two types of "ki" in Turkic (2021)
- Karaim and Balkar translation of Le petit prince (The little prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (2021)
- Review of the Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+4), 2019. Published online by the Linguistic Society of America (2021)
- Review of Iala Ianbay 2016. Krimchak Dictionary. Ben-Zvi Institute & Harrassowitz Verlag. 237 pp. ISBN 978-3-447-10541-5 (2018)
- On the linguistic distances between Gagauz and Karaim (2018)
- Turkic Linguistics (2017)
- Workshop “Optative in Turkic” at the 17th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (2016)
- Editorial note (2016)
- The present state of Karaim Studies (2015)
- Relators of comparison in Karaim and Kazakh as spoken in China (2015)
- Parallel corpora and Universal Dependencies for Turkic (2015)
- Two degrees of grammaticalization of a Turkic postverb (2014)
- Profesör Walther Björkman’in mirası (2014)
- Lithuanian Karaim. Litvanya Karaycası (2012)
- A symposium on Kazakh in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan (2011)
- Recent developments in Kazak as spoken in the People’s Republic of China (2011)
- Report on an Uppsala workshop on Karaim studies (2010)
- Integritetens ö: Burgaz och den turkiske filmregissören Halit Refiğ (2010)
- On Uyghur relative clauses (2010)
- Two conferences in Northern Cyprus (2009)
- Kuzeybatı Karaycasında hece uyumu üzerine (2009)
- Karaim studies at Uppsala (2008)
- Copied features of Turkic reflexives (2003)
- Tïnčlïx džanïna! (2002)
- Conference on Areas of Iranian-Semitic-Turkic convergence (2001)
- Present in Kashkay (2001)
- Analyzing contact-induced phenomena in Karaim (1999)
- Should Karaim be ‘purer’ than other European languages? (1998)
- Towards a typological classification of Turkish pro-forms (1995)
- Zur Silbenharmonie des Nordwest-Karaimischen (1995)
- On word order differences between Turkish and Karaim (1994)
- Review of Dilbilim Araştırmaları 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, edited by Güliz Durmuşoğlu, Kamile Imer, Ahmet Kocaman and Sumru Özsoy. Hitit Yayinevi (1993)
- Review of Hendrik Boeschoten & Ludo Verhoeven (eds), Turkish linguistics today. Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1991 (1993)
- Türkische Relativsätze mit Bezugsnomen (1993)
- On gerundial syntax in Turkic (1993)
- The marking of future time reference in Hungarian (1992)
- On some theoretical and methodological problems of the typological study of tense-aspect categories (1992)
- The marking of future time reference in Turkish (1992)
- Review of Dan I. Slobin & Karl Zimmer (eds.) Studies in Turkish Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1986. (1989)
- A contribution to the discussion about the planning of an international documentation center in the framework of the project Turkish in North–Western Europe (1989)
- Első német turkológiai konferencia 1987 Bamberg (1988)
- Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics (2023)
- Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online (2023)
- The Turkic Languages (2022)
- Turcologica Upsaliensia (2020)
- Ambiguous verb sequences in Transeurasian languages and beyond (2019)
- Building Bridges to Turkish (2018)
- Proceedings of the 13th International Turkish Linguistics Conference (2016)
- Turks and Iranians (2016)
- The Uppsala Meeting (2016)
- Spoken Ottoman in Mediator Texts (2016)
- Orientalia Suecana Vol LXI (2012) (2013)
- Orientalia Suecana Vol. LXI (2012) (2012)
- Orientalia Suecana: Vol. LX (2011) (2012)
- Orientalia Suecana (2010)
- Orientalia Suecana (2009)
- Turcological Letters to Bernt Brendemoen (2009)
- En resenär i svenska stormaktstidens språklandskap (2008)
- Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion (2005)
- Orientalia Suecana: An International Journal of Indological, Iranian, Semitic and Turkic Studies (2003)
- The Turkic Languages (1998)
- Some aspects of the syntax of Hungarian and Turkish (1985)
- Kuman (2024)
- The verb in Northeastern Turkic (2024)
- Clause Chaining in Turkic (2024)
- Karaim, Northwest and Southwest (2023)
- Karaim, Northwest and Southwest (2023)
- The Northwest Karaim Lord's Prayer (2022)
- Middle Kipchak (2022)
- Code copying and the strength of languages (2022)
- Turkish (2022)
- A karaim nyelv és nyelvjárásai (2021)
- On the Turkish mnemonic past (2021)
- Gustaf Peringer and the Karaim (2020)
- The Northwestern Turkic (Kipchak) languages (2020)
- On discourse types and clause combining in Däftär-i Čingiz-nāmä (2020)
- Turkic language contacts (2020)
- The verb ‘to look, to see’ in ambiguous verb sequences in Kazakh and some other Transeurasian languages (2019)
- Introduction (2019)
- Turkic relatives revisited (2018)
- On Turkish non-canonical possessives (2018)
- Grammaticalization in Turkic (2018)
- The cultural heritage of small Turkic peoples (2018)
- The non-modal prospective aorist in Karaim (2017)
- Uppsala Üniversitesinde Türkoloji çalışmaları (2016)
- Preface to the Turkish translation / Türkçe çeviriye sunuş (2016)
- Lithuanian Karaim (2016)
- Karaim (2016)
- 189. Karaim (2016)
- Some phonological and morphological features of spoken Halich Karaim (2016)
- Explorations of Turkic languages and varieties (2016)
- On the marker -(y)akï in Kashkay (2016)
- Language attitudes and linguistic habits of young Kazakhs in Xinjiang (2015)
- Perceived formal and functional equivalence: The Hungarian ik-conjugation. (2014)
- Areal features of copula sentences in Karaim as spoken in Lithuania (2014)
- Vocalism in two Kashkay varieties of the Amaleh tribe (2014)
- Growing apart in shared grammaticalization (2013)
- On the sustainability of inflectional morphology (2012)
- Modal categories in Karaim: a case of complex contact morphology (2012)
- Språkdokumentation (2012)
- Clause linking in spoken Turkish (2011)
- Karaim Summer Language Schools in Trakai 2003-2010 (2011)
- A typological coincidence (2011)
- Hotade språk och forskarens ansvar (2010)
- Turkish and Swedish mental verbs in crosslingusitic perspective (2010)
- The linguistic landscape of Istanbul in the seventeenth century (2010)
- Two types of complement clauses in Turkish (2009)
- Rendering evidential meanings in Turkish and Swedish (2009)
- Türkçe öğretiminde İnternet (2009)
- Caraimica upsaliensia (2008)
- Karayca diğer Avrupa dillerinden daha mı arı olmalı? (2007)
- Multiliteracy, past and present, in the Karaim communities (2007)
- The Karaims: The smallest group of Turkic-speaking peoples (2006)
- Copying word order properties (2006)
- Gunnar Jarring’s Kashkay materials (2006)
- Multimedia (2006)
- Spracherhalt und Kontinuität in den karaimischen Gemeinden. (2005)
- On copying in Kashkay (2005)
- A typology of Turkish double-verb constructions (2003)
- Ármin Vámbéry — en ungarsk dervisch och hans äventyrliga liv (2003)
- Multimedia and the documentation of endangered languages (2003)
- Case Chapter 5. The Karaim community in Lithuania (2002)
- The Karaim language in Halych (2002)
- Reflections on non-conforming word orders (2001)
- Syntactic code-copying in Karaim (2001)
- Karaim dictionary on CD-ROM (2001)
- Turkic double verbs in a typological perspective (2001)
- En lingvistisk upptäcktsresa bland turkiska nomader i Iran (2001)
- Karaim (2001)
- Some typological features of the viewpoint and tense system in spoken North-Western Karaim (2000)
- Some syntactic variation in Turkish dialects (2000)
- Turkish MIŞ- and IMIŞ-items. Dimensions of a functional analysis (2000)
- A syntactic asymmetry in Turkish (2000)
- Syntactic code-copying in Karaim (2000)
- Syllabic harmony in Turkic (1999)
- Modalität in türkischen Komplementsätzen und ihre Entsprechungen im Deutschen (1999)
- Turkiska som världsspråk? (1999)
- Über die finiten Verbformen des gesprochenen Nordwest-Karaimischen (1998)
- Das gesprochene Halitsch-Karaimisch (1998)
- Turkish (1998)
- Två karaimer i Uppsala (1998)
- Noghay (1998)
- An international project on Turkish in North-Western Europe (1996)
- Some typological properties of North-Western Karaim in areal perspectives (1996)
- Tense and actionality in Hungarian (1994)
- Referential properties of some Turkish determiners (1990)
- Ergänzende Bibliographie zu Historische Grammatik von Lars Johanson (1990)
- Ergänzende Bibliographie zu Studien zur türkischen Grammatik von Lars Johanson (1990)
- Non-finite verbal constructions in Turkish (1990)
- A syntactic analysis of Turkish gerundial clauses with subject control (1987)
- The head of S in Turkish (1986)
- Homage to the Last Speakers of Halich Karaim (2024)
- Török nyelvkapcsolati jelenségek elemzése a Kódmásolási Modellben (2019)
- Using Parallel Corpora in Data-Driven Teaching of Turkish in Sweden. (2010)
- The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank (2010)
- Using Parallel Corpora in Teaching and Research (2009)
- Building a Swedish-Turkish Parallel Corpus (2006)
- A syntactic analysis of participle constructions in Modern Turkish (1985)
- Turkic languages at CUN in Beijing (2008)
- Supporting Research Environment for Swedish and Turkish (2008)