Oskar Nordström Skans
Professor at Department of Economics; Senior Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 51 26
- E-mail:
- Oskar.Nordstrom_Skans@nek.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Oskar Nordström Skans is Professor of Economics.
Keywords: Labor Economics, Macroeconomics
For more information see my personal Homepage
Oskar Nordström Skans is a professor of Economics at Uppsala University since 2014. His research is centered on empirical studies of the labor market, in particular the role of labor market networks, the labor market impact of new technology, and empirical studies of the microfoundations of macroeconomic theory. His research has been published in journals such as the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Labor Economics and the Economic Journal. He is the author of several policy reports concerning the Swedish labor market. He is affiliated with the research centers IZA in Bonn and IFAU in Uppsala.
For more information see my personal Homepage
Labor Economics and Macroeconomics - see my personal Homepage for details.
Recent publications
- Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation (2024)
- Vem drabbas hårdast av att förlora jobbet? (2024)
- Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms (2023)
- Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms (2023)
- Connecting the Young (2023)
All publications
- Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation (2024)
- Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms (2023)
- Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms (2023)
- Connecting the Young (2023)
- The skill-specific impact of past and projected occupational decline (2023)
- Technology and the labor market (2022)
- Firm-Level Shocks and Labour Flows (2021)
- How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility (2021)
- Leadership Experiences, Labor Market Entry, and Early Career Trajectories (2021)
- En arbetsmarknad för ett starkare Sverige (2020)
- Fixed-Wage Contracts and Monetary Non-neutrality (2019)
- Mismatch of Talent (2018)
- Firm types, price-setting strategies, and consumption-tax incidence (2018)
- Targeted wage subsidies and firm performance (2018)
- Kontakterna och konjunkturen – jobb under skoltiden och inträdet på arbetsmarknaden (2017)
- Wage Adjustment and Productivity Shocks (2016)
- Social Networks, Employee Selection, and Labor Market Outcomes (2016)
- Leadership Experiences within Civil Organizations and Candidacy in Public Elections (2016)
- Mikroempiri och makroteori (2016)
- Confidence enhanced performance? – The causal effects of success on future performance in professional golftournaments (2015)
- Childhood and family experiences and the social integration of young migrants (2015)
- When Strong Ties are Strong: Networks and Youth Labour Market Entry (2014)
- When Strong Ties are Strong: Networks and Youth Labour Market Entry (2014)
- When Strong Ties are Strong (2014)
- The wage effects of subsidized career breaks (2014)
- Seeking Similarity (2014)
- Workfare for the old and long-term unemployed (2013)
- Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities (2012)
- Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities: Evidence from Matched Firm-Level Data on Product Prices and Unit Labor Cost (2012)
- Do anonymous job application procedures level the playing field? (2012)
- Stepping-stones, dead-ends, or both? An analysis of Swedish replacement contracts (2010)
- The Duration of Paid Parental Leave and Children's Scholastic Performance (2010)
- Will I See You at Work? (2010)
- How to measure segregation conditional on the distribution of covariates (2009)
- Mind the Gap? Estimating the Effects of Postponing Higher Education (2008)
- How does the age structure affect regional productivity? (2008)
- Anonyma jobbansökningar i praktiken - En första utvärdering av en debatterad åtgärd. (2008)
- Comment on Andersen and Haagen Pedersen: Distribution and labour market incentives in the welfare state - Danish experiences (2007)
- Swedish youth labour market policies revisited (2006)
- Age effects in Swedish local labor markets (2005)
- The impact of working-time reductions on actual hours and wages: evidence from Swedish register-data (2004)
- Worker attributes, aggregate conditions and the impact of adverse labor market shocks
- Labour Market Effects of Worksharing Arrangements in Europe (2008)
- Wage dispersion between and within plants (2008)
- Vem drabbas hårdast av att förlora jobbet? (2024)
- Family background and the responses to higher SAT scores [Elektronisk resurs] (2020)
- Social Connections and the Sorting of Workers to Firms (2019)
- The skill-specific impact of past and projected occupational decline (2019)
- Inträdet på arbetsmarknaden och familjebildningen (2018)
- Sänkt momssats och företagens prisförändringar (2018)
- Hur påverkar anställningsstöd och nystartsjobb de anställande företagen? (2018)
- Informella kontaktnäts betydelse för arbetssökande och företag på den svenska arbetsmarknaden (2017)
- Connecting the Young (2017)
- Fixed Wage Contracts and Monetary Non-Neutrality (2016)
- How to Measure Segregation Conditional on the Distribution of Covariates (2007)
- Wage Dispersion Between and Within Plants (2006)