Ulf Holmbäck
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 173 00 41
- E-mail:
- ulf.holmback@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Husargatan 3, BMC
751 22 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Husargatan 3, BMC, Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- Associate professor
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Short presentation
I am an associate professor in clinical nutriton and metabolism as well as an educational developer. I currently work 25% at the unit for Teaching and Learning, 25% at MedFarm's pedagogical research council - PRåM ; and 50% on leave for a drug development project. Furthermore, I am a member of the Collegium of Mentors (see more below). My current research is obesity and metabolic effects of altered sleep. As an educational developer, I am particularly interested in e-learning.
- circadian
- e-lärande
- e-teaching
- obesity
- rum för lärande
- undervisningsformer
I am a member of the Collegium of Mentors because I find it stimulating and interesting to discuss and reflect on teaching and teaching methods.
I have over the years tried or seen others try different forms of teaching, and think it is interesting to study what works in the teacher-student meeting.
I have had many exciting mentor assignments in medicine and natural sciences, and I am very interested in getting more assignments from the humanities and social sciences; and I can also provide mentoring in English.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Mitt huvudsakliga forskningsområde är för tillfället obesitas, mer bestämt medicinsk behandling, dock utan att vara anställd av universitetet. Jag bedriver även viss undervisning inom obesitasområdet, främst för läkar- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet.
Recent publications
- Response to review by Pan et al. (2024)
- Factors associated with changes in walking performance in individuals 3 months after stroke or TIA (2024)
- Effects of a novel weight-loss combination product containing orlistat and acarbose on obesity (2022)
- Safety of a Novel Weight Loss Combination Product Containing Orlistat and Acarbose. (2021)
- Potential effects on cardiometabolic risk factors and body composition by short message service (SMS)-guided training after recent minor stroke or transient ischaemic attack (2021)
All publications
- Response to review by Pan et al. (2024)
- Factors associated with changes in walking performance in individuals 3 months after stroke or TIA (2024)
- Effects of a novel weight-loss combination product containing orlistat and acarbose on obesity (2022)
- Safety of a Novel Weight Loss Combination Product Containing Orlistat and Acarbose. (2021)
- Potential effects on cardiometabolic risk factors and body composition by short message service (SMS)-guided training after recent minor stroke or transient ischaemic attack (2021)
- Effects on walking performance and lower body strength by short message service guided training after stroke or transient ischemic attack (The STROKEWALK Study) (2021)
- Effects of a novel combination of orlistat and acarbose on tolerability, appetite, and glucose metabolism in persons with obesity (2020)
- Protocol and pilot study of a short message service-guided training after acute stroke/transient ischemic attack to increase walking capacity and physical activity (2018)
- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Physical Activity (2017)
- Subjective and objective assessment of physical activity (2017)
- Preserved Fat-Free Mass after Gastric Bypass and Duodenal Switch (2017)
- Energy Expenditure And Carbohydrate Oxidation In Responders And Non-Responders After Gastric Bypass (2016)
- Effects of a Vitamin D and Leucine-Enriched Whey Protein Nutritional Supplement on Measures of Sarcopenia in Older Adults, the PROVIDE Study (2015)
- No Association between Body Composition and Activity Level in Obese Children and Adolescents Due to Low Overall Activity Level (2015)
- Children with cerebral palsy do not achieve healthy physical activity levels (2015)
- Circadian Misalignment Augments Markers of Insulin Resistance and Inflammation, Independently of Sleep Loss (2014)
- Ghrelin and Obestatin in Human Neuroendocrine Tumors (2013)
- Body composition, energy metabolism and endocrine variables in weight stable gastric-bypass patients (2013)
- Acute Sleep Restriction Reduces Insulin Sensitivity in Adolescent Boys (2013)
- Short sleep duration and its association with energy metabolism (2012)
- Sleep restriction is not associated with a positive energy balance in adolescent boys (2012)
- Eating and shift work (2010)
- Sleeping during the day (2010)
- Overweight more prevalent among children than among adolescents (2007)
- Minor changes in blood lipids after 6 weeks of high-volume low- intensity physical activity with strict energy balance control. (2006)
- Effects of acutely displaced sleep on testosterone. (2005)
- Performance and sleepiness during a 24 h wake in constant conditions are affected by diet. (2004)
- Increased VLDL-TAG turnover during and after acute moderate-intensity exercise. (2004)
- Endocrine responses to nocturnal eating - possible implications for nightwork. (2003)
- Metabolic responses to nocturnal eating in men are affected by sources of dietary energy (2002)