PhD courses
The PhD courses are free of charge and open for all PhD students as far as space allows. The courses are held in English and in real life if nothing else is specified.
You can sign up to the courses via the link below each course until the last date of application. Those who have signed up will get an answer soon after the deadline.
Before you can be registered to the course you need to hand in a certificate of registration from your home university which shows that you are registered as a PhD student. To get access to the course page you need to activate a student account at Uppsala University.
Do you have questions about the content of the course? Please contact the course director.
Do you have questions about the application to the PhD courses? Please contact Golondrian Janke administrator, third-cycle studies.
PhD courses in Uppsala
The Department of Business Studies - Autumn courses
Perspectives on Science and Research - FHS0021, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: In the autumn 2025.
Course director: Fredrik Tell
The course is obligatory within the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
Qualitative Methods - FHS0022, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: In the autumn 2025.
Course director: Linda Wedlin
The course is obligatory for PhD students from the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University as a part of the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and is offered within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
Introduction to Multivariate Statistics - FHS0024, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: In the autumn 2025.
Course director: James Sallis
The course is obligatory within the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and is offered within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
The Department of Business Studies - Spring courses
No PhD course is currently planned to be given during the spring.
PhD courses from the Swedish Research School of Management and IT
The Research School of Management and IT - Autumn courses
Seminars and Thesis Work - FHS0040, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2024-11-21 -- 2024-12-19 in Uppsala.
Course director: Christina Keller
The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
The Research School of Management and IT - Spring courses
Research in Information Systems and Informatics - FHS0091, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2025-02-05 -- 2025-04-29, in Visby, Uppsala and Lund.
Course director: Pär Ågerfalk
The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
You can apply to Research in Information Systems and Informatics until 2025-01-15.
Research on Information Technology in Organization and Management - FSA0002, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2025-04-02 -- 2025-06-04, in Uppsala, Stockholm, Karlstad and online.
Course director: Einar Iveroth
The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.
You can apply to Research on Information Technology in Organization and Management until 2025-03-15.
Other PhD courses
PhD courses in business studies at other universities
The Research Process - PHD200, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2025V starting in December 2024.
Course director: Hans Kjellberg
The course is obligatory within the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and these PhD students are given priority.
Please contact Stockholm School of Economics to sign up.
PhD courses in organisation theory
Here you can find information about courses in Organisation Theory primarily in Sweden, but also in the other Nordic countries.
Advanced Organization Analysis - FHS0078, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Stefan Arora-Jonsson
Organization Outside Organizations - FHS0133, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Nils Brunsson
Management and Organization Classics - FHS0027, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Karin Brunsson
Institutions and organizations 7,5 at Södertörn University
The next time the course will be given: November - December 2024.
Course director: Noomi Weinryb
Decision Theory & Decision Analysis at KTH
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Jonathan Metzger
Organisations: Theory and Research at Linköping University
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Karl Wennberg
Behavioural Mechanisms in the Social Sciences at Linköping University, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2024H.
Course director: Sarah Valdez
Computational Approaches to the Study of Cultural Markets and Social Dynamics at Linköping University, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: Please check with the course director.
Course director: Marc Keuschnigg
Logic of Social Inquiry at Linköping University, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2024H.
Course director: Jacob Habinek
Digital Strategies for Social Science Research at Linköping University, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2025V.
Course director: Etienne Ollion
Social Network Analysis at Linköping University, 7,5 hp
The next time the course will be given: 2025V.
Course director: Károly Takács