X-ray laboratory


The Inorganic Chemistry research programme has the most advanced x-ray laboratory for powder and thin film diffraction in Sweden. Powder diffraction is used for phase and structure analyses, additional cambers for high and low temperature in-situ investigations are also available.

Grazing incidence XRD (GIXRD) are used to enhance the diffraction from surface layers. Many thin films contains texture and residual stress, by using poly capillary x-ray optics, high intensity can be obtained for this type of measurements. Epitaxial films can be characterized with respect of cell parameter and stress with “reciprocal space mapping”.

The laboratory is also used as Ångström laboratory common resource. We also perform commissioned analyzers for external companies/organizations.

Contact: Mikael Ottosson

Our equipment

We have 8 diffractometers and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

Siemens D5000

We have one Bragg-Brentano instrument, ThTh mode for θ-2θ scans on powders, bulks and thin films. One θ-2θ instrument with parallel beam and Göbels mirrors, excellent for Grazing Incidence Diffraction from thin films.

More on Siemens D5000

D5000 Th-Th

Bruker D8 Cu Kα1

Bruker D8 with CuKaα1 monocromator and Lynxeye PSD detector. For high resolution powder diffraction with sample changer and optional high and low temperature stages.

More on Bruker D8

Bruker D8

Bruker TwinTwin

Bruker TwinTwin with Lynxeye XE-T PSD detector for very fast measurements with Bragg-Brentano geometry. This system has a state of the art detector yielding very fast measurements with energy resolution.

More on Bruker TwinTwin

Bruker Twin-Twin

Bruker Discover

Thin film diffractometer with motorized sample stage. The system has a fast Lynxeye XE PDS detector and “easy to change” optics. The main use is Phase mapping, GIXRD and XRR.

More on Bruker Discover

Bruker discover

Philips MRD

The most advance instruments with excellent flexibility for investigations of thin films. A large sections of measurements possible with low and medium resolution.
GIXRD, XRR, Reciprocal space mapping (RSM), texture and stress measurements.

More on Philips MRD

Philips MRD I

XRF: Epsilon 3

Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, EDXRF. The system is used for measure film thickness and composition in bulk material.



  • If you have questions about our research, you are welcome to contact the programme professor, Professor Martin Sahlberg.
  • Prof. Martin Sahlberg

