
Cycling of energy and matter through inland water ecosystems


Inland waters play an important role in the carbon cycle.

A large share of our research addresses the reactivity of organic matter: to which extent is organic matter degraded by microbes in to carbon dioxide or methane, and why? Under which circumstances does organic matter escape microbial attack? We study both dissolved organic matter in the water column as well as particulate organic matter in lake sediments, and even in terrestrial soils and marine ecosystems. We approach these questions with experiments ranging from the micro-scale to mesocosms, with field campaigns as well as regional and global data syntheses.

Biogeochemical fluxes of ecosystems are sensitive to climate change. We therefore also study the impact of climate change on lake ecosystems through dynamic ecosystem modelling, in close collaboration with the climate modelling community. Our long-term monitoring data series at Lake Erken is central to most modelling efforts.

We study the cycling of energy and matter through inland water ecosystems, at scales ranging from molecules and microbial organisms to the entire biosphere. An important perspective addressed in our research is the coupling of inland waters to the surrounding landscape and the atmosphere.

Lakes on Earth

Lakes can look very different. We study why?


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