Autumn 2024, Education
Video-based research: interaction analyses and ethnography in educational contexts, 7,5 hp
(The course language is English)
Course information and schedule
Contact Helen Melander Bowden
To apply please contact:
The public defence of the doctoral thesis (Seminarieserie kring institutionens disputation) 7,5 ECTS
(The course language is Swedish or English)
The administrator e-mails information about course events approximately six weeks before the defence. At least four doctoral students must register for a course event. The course language is either Swedish or English, depending on the language of the defence and needs.
Contact: Helen Melander Bowden
To apply, please contact:
Autumn 2024, Curriculum Studies
Research traditions in Curriculum Studies and Teaching and Learning I, 7,5 ECTS credits
Contact: Leif Östman
To apply please contact:
Research traditions in Curriculum Studies and Teaching and Learning II, 7,5 ECTS credits
Course information, Syllabus and Schedule
Contact: Leif Östman
To apply please contact:
The public defence of the doctoral thesis (Seminarieserie kring institutionens disputation) 7,5 ECTS
(The course language is Swedish or English)
The administrator e-mails information about course events approximately six weeks before the defence. At least four doctoral students must register for a course event. The course language is either Swedish or English, depending on the language of the defence and needs.
Contact: Helen Melander Bowden
To apply, please contact: