Research at the Department of Education
Research in educational sciences involves studies about, education, teaching, socialisation and learning.
Research areas
Research groups
- Child and Youth Studies
- Civics Education Design Lab (CEDEL)
- Laboratory for Teaching Practices (TePlab)
- Mathematics Education
- Pedagogics and Special Needs (the PS-group)
- Research on Educational Leadership (REL)
- Science and Technology Education
- Social Sciences and Humanities Education (ÄDISH)
- Studies in Childhood, Learning and Identities as Interactional Practices (CLIP)
- Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP)
- Studies of Comparative Didactics (SCOD)
- Studies of Language Practices (STOLP)
- Uppsala Studies of History and Education (SHED)
Research projects
- Developing Primary Teacher Education Research (DePTER)
- Developing, implementing and researching Lesson Design Workshops
- Manners of teaching about controversial sustainability issues and students learning
- SEGA:D - Serious educational games against disinformation
- School and the Making of Social Class
- Teaching and Learning the Embedded Economy
- The Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families (KINDINMI)
Research seminars
Higher seminars
Education: Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Curriculum Studies: Leif Östman
Sociology of Education: Mikael Börjesson
If you want to attend a higher seminar please contact one of the responsible researchers above.
You find information on time and place for the higher seminars in our Calendar (Swedish)
Other research seminars
The research and seminar groups at the Department of Education holds seminars within their different groups. If you want to attend a seminar, contact information is to be found below.