Uppsala Studies of History and Education (SHED)

Students gathered in front of the blackboard, 1920s. Photo: Unknown photographer, Örebro City Archives. CC BY 4.0 DEED https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

The multidisciplinary research group Uppsala Studies of History and Education (SHED) is united by an interest in history and education within different national, social, cultural, medial and historical settings

Research in SHED is funded by for instance the Swedish Research Council, Handelsbanken’s Research Foundation, the Bank of Sweden Tercenary Fund and the Wallenberg Foundation.

SHED was formed within a strong tradition in the sociology of education and culture, established by Prof. Donald Broady, and has since the creation of the National Research School in the history of education (2005) grown to become a central Swedish research environment in educational history. SHED is characterised by a high degree of internationalisation, manifested in research cooperation with excellent researchers and research institutions, including for instance Prof. Marcelo Caruso (Berlin), Prof. Daniel Lindmark (Umeå), Prof. David Mitch (Maryland), Prof. Johannes Westberg (Groningen), Prof. Merethe Roos (Sørøst-Norge), PhD Ingrid Brühwile (Head of the departement public schools, canton AR, Switzerland), PhD Gabriele Cappelli (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and PhD Christian Larsen (Copenhagen).

SHED has also been the host of several national and international conferences, such as the 4th Nordic Conference on the History of Education (2009), History of Schooling (2011), the 3rd International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education (2013) and the 6th Nordic Conference on the History of Education (2015). In addition, SHED has hosted two honorary doctors at Uppsala University: David Mitch (Maryland, 2013), Jane Humphries (Oxford, 2016), Merethe Roos (Sørøst-Norge, 2024).


Esbjörn Larsson


SHED is led by a scientific board that consists of members of the research group with permanent teacher or research positions at the Department of Education. In addition, the group also has a number of regular members as well as a number of Senior Advisors and associated members at other universities.

Seminar on History of Education

SHED organises a seminar on History of Education at the Department of Education usually held on Thursdays between 13:15 and 15:00, Blåsenhus (It is also possible to participate via Zoom). If you want texts for the seminars sent to you, contact Esbjörn Larsson.

The Academic Year 2023-2024

Sep. 7 – Johan Prytz text "Towards a sociological explanation of the success of the Back to Basics movement in Sweden, 1970–1980" (co-authored with Linda Marie Ahl och Uffe Thomas Jankvist)

Sep. 28 – Agnes Hamberger's draft of the fifth chapter in her thesis on girls in basic primary schools 1840–1921.

Nov. 6 – David Sjögren's, Stina Fallberg Sundmark's och Jakob Evertsson's text ”Skolan som kyrka: Kyrkligt inflytande på svenska folkskolemiljöer 1850–1950” (Joint arrangement with the seminar on Church History)

Nov. 9 – Anne Berg's text "Nationalism against the state: 1848 and the rise of popular nationalism in mid-19th century Sweden"

Nov. 30 – Åsa Melin's text "Lokalt skolbyggande: den enhetliga skolan och yrkesutbildning i svenska bruksorter, 1950–1969"

Dec. 7 – Moa Lindqvist's text "Från kollegial aktivitet till administrativ strategi – högskolestyrelsers remissvar inför svenska högskolereformer 1968–2007"

Dec. 21 – Esbjörn Larsson's text "Skomakare, bliv vid din läst: Fortsättningsskolans medborgarkunskapsundervisning”

Feb. 1 – Madelen Johansson's introductory chapter to her dissertation on Israel Ruong

Feb. 15 – Gustav Berry's text "Bonderörelsen och det tryckta ordet: Lantbruksförbundets Tidskriftsaktiebolag som uttolkare av industrisamhällets agrara omvandling, 1920–1970"

Mar. 7 – David Malm's text "1812 års uppfostringskommitté”

Mar. 21 – Anne Berg's and Johanna Ringarp's text ”Välfärdsstatens närbyråkrater och motståndet: Special-professionernas problematisering av integreringspolitiken, 1970–1990”

Apr. 11 – Christoffer Åhlman's text "Att läsa på svenska? – minoritetsspråkens roll i folkundervisningen 1680–1730"

May 2 – Rebecka Göransdotters thesis chapter "Aktörer och rörelsens villkor” (The thesis Kvinnliga intellektuellas kamp för vetenskapen: en vetenskapsrörelses formering och villkor i Sverige, 1880–1930)

May 23 maj – Caitlin McEvoy

The Academic Year 2024-2025

Sep. 5 – Esbjörn Larsson

Sep. 26 – Sophie Winkler

Oct. 17 – Madeleine Michaëlsson

Nov. 7 – Merethe Roos

Nov. 28 – Anne-Li Lindgren och Sofia Grunditz

Dec. 5 – Project applications

Dec 19 – Agnes Hamberger

At the Swedish Conference on history in 2005, a network for educational history was formed, initiated by Professor Donald Broady, Uppsala University. The network’s purpose is to facilitate the cooperation and cooperation between researchers from different academic disciplines in the field of educational history. Since 2009, the network collaborates with the Nordic Conferences on the History of Education, and since 2014 with the Nordic Journal of Educational History.

Information are distributed to the approximately 250 members of the network, a couple of times per semester. This information is published on the network’s homepage, and the network is also active on Twitter (@utbhist_natverk).

Johannes Westberg (Professor of Theory and History of Education, University of Groningen) is coordinator for the network. Anyone interested in the networks activities are welcome to contact Johannes Westberg.

