Nordplus Network Teacher Education - NNTE
The Network aims at developing the quality of teacher education through teacher and student exchange, which gives a chance to meet another culture, language, educational system and to get more in-depth knowledge of the nearby regions, as well as by preparing intensive courses which would lead to broader discussions and developments in the issues of teacher education in the Baltic and Nordic countries.
The network recognises that teachers and educators have a central role in communicating knowledge and spreading the ideas of social justice, diversity, understanding and inclusion in society and between cultures. The network will also focus on leadership in the classroom. How do we educate our students to become good teachers in the classrooms in the Nordic and Baltic countries? As the world around us becomes more and more digitalised we also need to understand the young generation and how important this world is for them. As we can also use these new technologies to teach in a more effective way, teachers today need to be updated and familiar with digital technology.
About the network
The Network’s aim is to constantly develop and keep a well-functioning cooperation between teacher institutions in the Baltic-Nordic region with a focus on developing mutual understanding between cultures and sharing knowledge within the area of teacher education. The following countries are represented: Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. The network promotes student and teacher mobility as key activities by which the students and teachers get an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the member institutions and the Nordic and Baltic societies in general, to extend a multicultural and multilingual orientation, as well as to develop their professional competences as (future) teachers and educators. In the project year 2019, the project will focus on the topics education for all, leadership in the classroom and digitalisation in schools as the three topics that will be recognised as key topics in teacher education by all partner institutions.
Teacher Mobility
Information and Application
Student Mobility
Information and Application
Partner Institutions
University College Lillebælt (UCL)
Kontaktperson: Poul Kristensen,
Tallin University, Institute of Educational Sciences
Kontaktperson: Anne Uusen,
The Faroe Islands
University of the Faroe Islands, Department of Education
Kontaktperson: Annika Antoniussen,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Kontaktperson: Mikko Moilanen,
Åbo Akademi, Faculty of Education
Kontaktperson: Malin Wälitalo-Palo,
University of Island, School of Education, Teacher Education
Kontaktperson: Ása Fanney Gestsdóttir,
Liepaja University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Social Work
Kontaktperson: Linda Pavitola,
University College of Southeast Norway
Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education
Kontaktperson: Rasmus Kolseth Rian,
Stockholm University, The Department of Child and Youth Studies
Contact person: Malin Håkansson,
Uppsala University, Department of Education
Kontaktperson: Katarina Gahne,