Become a student

Studying electrical engineering is a great choice for you who want to work towards a more sustainable future in an industry that is constantly growing and developing. In the rapid transition to a fossil-free society, we are facing a massive technological shift and a degree in electrical engineering gives you very good career opportunities worldwide.

During your education at Uppsala University, you develop technical skills and get the opportunity to find smart solutions to future challenges in sustainable energy production, electromobility, electronics, digitalization and communication systems.

In addition, Uppsala offers Sweden's greatest student life through its unions, associations and nations!

Our history

Ångström Laboratory in the summer

We started our bachelor's and master's programmes in engineering for the first time over 15 years ago. Since then, we are constantly working on updating and developing our programmes and courses to ensure that we give our students the best possible education and the tools and knowledge to meet society's and the industry's growing need for engineers in electrical engineering.

Our education is conducted in a forward-looking and dynamic environment on the Ångström Laboratory campus.

Student life and student nations

Uppsala has a very unique and vibrant student life with several student nations for students to get involved in. The nations are the core of student life in Uppsala and as a student at Uppsala University you can choose to become a member of one or more nations.

As a member, you get access to pubs, lunch cafeterias, libraries, formal balls, clubs, and theatre, music and sports activities.

Experience a unique student life via the student nations in Uppsala

colorful pennants

Unions and student associations

Students sitting together on a sofa looking through books

In addition to nations, there are also several unions and student associations to get involved in as a student at Uppsala University. The unions are run by students for students with the aim of ensuring that students' rights are prioritized, fulfilled and protected.

The unions and associations also organize various types of events and functions for you who are a member.

Visit Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students's website

What is electrical engineering, why is it important and what can you do after graduation? See a video with our Programme Director of the Master's Programme in All-Electric Propulsion Systems and an international master's student that explains more about the programme, studies at Uppsala University and what you can do with your degree.

Learn more about studying at Uppsala University and the Department of Electrical Engineering (link to YouTube)

