Jasenovac Past and Present: History and Memory of Institutionalised Destruction
- Date: 15 December 2021, 09:00 – 17 December 2021, 14:00
- Location: Online Conference
- Type: Conference
- Lecturer: Guest Speakers: Yehuda Bauer, Georges Santer, Dieter Pohl Panelists: Tomislav Dulić, Goran Miljan, Ivo Goldstein, Milan Koljanin, Milovan Pisarri, Nataša Mataušić, Emil Kjerte, Goran Hutinec, Jovan Byford, Ivo Pejaković, Dragan Cvetković, Melkior Ornik, Sabine Rutar, Heike Karge, Vjeran Pavlaković, Thomas Lutz, Ljiljana Radonić, Gavro Burazor,Dubravka Stojanović, Snježana Koren, Roland Kostic
- Organiser: Hugo Valentin Centrum, Historiska institutionen
- Contact person: Tomislav Dulic
International Consortium Organizes Conference on the Jasenovac camp
Recent years have seen an increase in public debates and controversies concerning the Jasenovac camp complex, built in August 1941 after the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH). On 15–17 December a group of international scholars will revisit the history and memory of the camp in Belgrade, Jasenovac and Zagreb on an online conference that is open to the public.
The conference Jasenovac Past and Present: History and Memory of Institutionalised Destruction is co-organised by a consortium consisting of the Hugo Valentin Centre at Uppsala University, Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris, Topographie des Terrors in Berlin, the Department of History at the Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences University of Zagreb, the Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, and the Jasenovac Memorial Site. The event has been made possible by a financial contribution from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
By connecting local history and memory with wider European trends, the conference will pave the way for increased research cooperation across national borders, while helping to situate Jasenovac more firmly in European consciousness as an important locality of the Holocaust. It will furthermore engage with media, policymakers, educators and the public at large, thus helping to counter the distortions and manipulations that continue to plague public debates and perceptions about the camp.
For the programme and registration, please visit jasenovac-past-and-present.org or fill out this registration form: https://reg.akademikonferens.se/Jasenovac2021.
Note: Registration closes on the 14th of December at 12:00!