The Common City Conference
Uppsala 1113 September, 2024

Housing protests in Brazil.

How is the common city of the future to be produced, created, built and imagined? How are different forms of urban commoning experienced worldwide? What obstacles and struggles should we expect in creating and fostering the urban commons? What are the key facilitating conditions, forms of organising and possible institutions for maintaining the urban commons? How can we define the common city in ways that help overcome capitalist urban and social relations? To what extent are the struggles for the right to the city, and for housing and urban justice at the core of urban commoning?

This conference gather scholars and activists who are concerned about the above questions. It is promoted by the cooperation project between Uppsala University (Sweden) and the UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) that has been developed since 2019, on the one hand, and The Housing & Urban Justice Project based at IBF, on the other.

The conference focuses on three stands:


DAY 1: Wednesday 11th of September

9:00 – 10:00 Welcome mingle (IBF, Trädgårdsgatan 18)

10:00 – 12:00 Parallel sessions

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: 11:129, Blåsenhus
Chair: Maria Wallstam




Burcu Değerli Çifçi, Adile Arslan Avar

Beimenbetov Serik

(Re-)claiming the right to the city: urban activism in Central Asia

Stephanie Guirand

Burcu Değerli Çifçi, Adile Arslan Avar

Examining Gezi Park by Driving on Lefebvre's Trilogy of Space

Julian Brash

Stephanie Guirand

Housing, Policing, and Crises: Putting Personal Crises and Response into The Housing Crisis

Beimenbetov Serik

Julian Brash

The Biopolitical Commons: Lessons from the High Line

Panel 2: Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Room: 12:020, Blåsenhus
Chair: Mika Hyötyläinen




Luca Sára Bródy, Anna Ratecka

Peter Bescherer, Josephine Garitz

Organising for Solidarity? Reflections on activist research in neighbourhood struggles in Germany

Nikola A. Venkov-Rose

Luca Sára Bródy, Anna Ratecka

The kitchen-work of collaborative research: Recipes for emancipatory practices

Peter Bescherer, Josephine Garitz

Nikola A. Venkov-Rose

An academic paper as public anthropology: From supporting grassroots activists of a racialised community to publication. (On municipal waste collection and racial oppression in Bulgaria)

Panel 3: Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

Room: 12:129, Blåsenhus
Chair: Ilhan Kellecioglu




Felix A Lopez Roman

Alefiyah Murtuza Merchant

Spatial Tactics of Agency: Cultures of Repair, Reappropriation and Reuse in Bombay/ Mumbai Chawls

Khushboo Jain

Felix A Lopez Roman

From the Communal to the Personal Property: Politics of Dwelling, Decollectivization, and Housing in Puerto Rico

Alefiyah Murtuza Merchant

Khushboo Jain

Beyond the normative: Home-making on the streets of Delhi

12:00 – 13:15 Lunch (Blåsenhus: Feiroz restaurant)

13:15 – 15:30 Keynote speakers: Don Mitchell & Dominika Polanska

Room: Gunnar Johansson-salen, 14:K120, Blåsenhus
Chair: Clarissa Campos

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 18:00 Parallel sessions

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: 11:129, Blåsenhus
Chair: Anton Ösgård




Isadora Marchi de Almeida

Sara Nikolić

Practice of commoning or preserving privileges: local activism in New Belgrade LHEs

Vasiliki Fragkaki

Isadora Marchi de Almeida

Urban Sport Spaces in São Paulo: Between Commodification and Community Appropriation

Dan Rosenblum


Vasiliki Fragkaki

Collective well-being through Body, Space and Time – Restorative modes of eco-socio-spatial practices of conviviality

Sara Nikolić


Dan Rosenblum

Rupture in the suburbs: Neighborhood struggles, memory, and justice during Minneapolis' Uprising

Panel 2: Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Room: 12:020, Blåsenhus
Chair: Mika Hyötyläinen




Ozlem Celik


Gregory D. Squires

Wins, Losses, and Lessons of Engaged Social Justice Research: How Academic Institutions Nurture and Undermine Collaborative Community-Based Scholarship

John Andersen, Aske Tybirk Kvist

Ozlem Celik

A Dialectical Approach to Activist Research: Insights from Urban Movements in Istanbul

Gregory D. Squires

John Andersen, Aske Tybirk Kvist

Empowering urban communities through activist research and long term engagement - Cases from Roskilde University

Panel 3: Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

Room: 12:129, Blåsenhus
Chair: Irene Molina




Nikolaos Vrantsis

Oldouz Nejadibabadaei

Problematizing Ideas of Urban Segregation: Tracing Spatial Justice in Swedish ‘Vulnerable Areas’

Miguel Montalva Barba

Nikolaos Vrantsis

All that is solid melts into steel

Tannen Neil Lincon and Daniya Shah

Miguel Montalva Barba

Whiteness and Displacement: The Generational Killing of the Social

Oldouz Nejadibabadaei

Tannen Neil Lincon and Daniya Shah

Unpacking Housing and Urban (In)Justice: A Study of Ghettoization and Service Delivery in Urban India - A Case Study of Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

19.00 Conference Pub (O'Connors, Stora Torget)

Tables are booked, be we order and pay for our own food and drinks.

DAY 2: Thursday 12th of September

9:00 – 11:00 Parallel sessions

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: 12:128, Blåsenhus
Chair: Maria Wallstam




Burcu Yigit Turan

Enrico Gualini and Emil Widmer

Commoning as urban governance experiment: emergent commons-oriented neo-municipal platforms in Berlin

Anton Ösgård

Burcu Yigit Turan

Erasure of Commoning and Racialization in Malmö's Post-Industrial Landscapes through "Socially Sustainable Urban Development"

Andrej Holm

Anton Ösgård

Financing social movement housing in Sweden

Enrico Gualini

Andrej Holm

Disappointed hopes: The complexity of cooperation between the movement and the government in Berlin

Panel 2: Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Room: IBF, Seminar room
Chair: Francesca Ru




Federico Smania

Ilhan Kellecioglu

Participatory Action Research in Housing Activism; an episodic impact of contentious politics

Céline Drieskens

Federico Smania

«Sabotage and subversion» of Milan-Cortina 2026: a militant research in the anti-Olympic movement

Ilhan Kellecioglu

Céline Drieskens

Au Foyer des Résistances: Remembering and amplifying the collective struggle for housing

Panel 3: Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

Room: 12:130, Blåsenhus
Chair: Nikolaos Vrantsis




Chiara Valli

Sarah Klosterkamp

Dismantling Urban Displacement and Social Inequalities by Court Cases of German Districts courts

Meryem Kucuk

Chiara Valli

Including debt. Contradictory class locations in Sweden's debt-sustained housing market

Rebecca Cavicchia; Roberta Cucca

Meryem Kucuk

Understanding the Problematic of 'Class Eviction and Displacement' Emerging with Urban Transformation

Sarah Klosterkamp

Rebecca Cavicchia; Roberta Cucca

Urban densification and residential segregation. The rhetoric of the socially inclusive city in the case of Oslo

11:15 13:00 Social Centres as Cultural Venues: Elof Hellström

Room: Gunnar Johansson-salen, 14: K120, Blåsenhus
Chair: Ilhan Kellecioglu

13:00 14:00 Lunch (Blåsenhus: Feiroz restaurant)

14:00 16:00 Parallel sessions

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: 13:029, Blåsenhus
Chair: Anton Ösgård




Maria Minić

Ana Santamarina & Lazaros Karaliotas

Housing Struggles Challenging Racial Capitalism: The Politics of the No Evictions Network in Glasgow

Diana Zacca Thomaz

Maria Minić

Collaborative tactics of inhabiting in Belgrade: commoning against the neoliberal housing system

Åse Richards

Diana Zacca Thomaz

Refusing “evictability”: CASA lessons from two decades of tenant organizing in the South Bronx

Ana Santamarina & Lazaros Karaliotas

Åse Richards

Place Destruction: Residents resistance to the resetting of their common yards in Gränby, Uppsala.

Panel 2: Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Room: 21:136, Blåsenhus
Chair: Clarissa Campos




Tuomo Alhojärvi

Elina Sutela

“What gets measured, gets fixed” – Why activist research should engage with the politics of data and measuring of urban housing affordability

Mae de Monchy


Tuomo Alhojärvi


Postcapitalist Mapping: Negotiating Problem Spaces within Cartography as Commons

Elina Sutela


Mae de Monchy


Mapping Housing Insecurity: A Reflection on Institutional Engagement

Panel 3: Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

Room: 21:240, Blåsenhus
Chair: Nikolaos Vrantsis




Jennie Gustafsson

Daisy Charlesworth, Mika Hyötyläinen, and Johanna Lilius

When your landlord is your labour union: The changing roles of labour unions and building cooperatives in transforming the Finnish ‘social’ rental sector

Nicolina Ewards Öberg

Jennie Gustafsson

From the Balance Sheet to the Cash Flow: Maintaining Rental Housing as an Asset

Defne Kadioglu

Nicolina Ewards Öberg

A continued state of exception: The ‘refugee crises’ and residual implications of Swedish local housing policy responses

Daisy Charlesworth, Mika Hyötyläinen, and Johanna Lilius

Defne Kadioglu

From Social to Financial Risk: Understanding Urban Social Impact Investing through Sweden’s ‘Vulnerable Neighborhoods’

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 – 18:30 Keynote speakers: Irene Molina & Rita Velloso (Blåsenhus)

Room: Eva Netzelius-salen 10: K102, Blåsenhus
Chair: Maren Boersma

DAY 3: Friday 13th of September

10:00 – 12:00 Parallel sessions

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: 12:128, Blåsenhus
Chair: Clarissa Campos




Paola Sartoretto and Ekaterina Kalinina

Josep Maria Caroz Armayanos

Navigating Precarious Housing in the Age of Commodification, Financialization and Rentierism: Understanding Tenure and Regional Inequalities in Spain.

Corinna Burkhart


Paola Sartoretto and Ekaterina Kalinina


Networked solidarity in urban settings - communication and resistance to contemporary challenges

Annika Wappelhorst


Corinna Burkhart


Commoners by accident? – Open workshops as commoning practices in the context of the neoliberal Nordic welfare state

Josep Maria Caroz Armayanos

Annika Wappelhorst


Revisiting Colonialism: Decolonial and Postcolonial City Walking Tours as Political Education for Inclusive Cities

Panel 2: Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Room: IBF, Seminar room
Chair: Francesca Ru




Öncül Kırlangıç Işıl


Owusu Boampong

Co-creation of alternative livelihoods amidst dumpsite closure: Experiences of the struggles and opportunities for Kpone landfill waste pickers in Accra, Ghana

Owusu Boampong


Carolina Maria Soares Lima

Artistic and aesthetic utopias of the common city: representations and imaginations of the (im)possible in Belo Horizonte - MG

Carolina Maria Soares Lima


Öncül Kırlangıç Işıl

Turkey's Post-Earthquake Housing Injustice and Reinvention of Common Space: Lessons from Düzce Hope Homes

Panel 3: Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

Room: 12:228, Blåsenhus
Chair: Mika Hyötyläinen




Khamis Ali & Koskinen Anna

Yağmur Aşçı, Adile Arslan Avar

A Urban Commoning Unfolding As a Struggle for The Right to The City: The Case of The Roman Community in Ege Neighborhood, İzmir

Özge Ekinci, Adile Arslan Avar

Khamis Ali & Koskinen Anna

The Negative Impact of Tourism on the Social Fabric of Stone Town Heritage Site – A Beholders’ Perspective

Martina Tazzara

Özge Ekinci, Adile Arslan Avar

Urban-Rural Dichotomy in Relation to Rural Gentrification: A Lefebvrian Perspective

Yağmur Aşçı, Adile Arslan Avar

Martina Tazzara

Public transport implementation: a policy-making process for or against poverty? Between Germany and Italy: a comparative study.

12:00 – 13:15 Lunch (Blåsenhus: Feiroz restaurant)

Poster Presentations

Joshua Long
“The Right to Retreat? Interrogating the xenophobic politics of urban climate retreat and climate-induced urban migration in the U.S.”

Annika Wappelhorst
“Revisiting Colonialism: Decolonial and Postcolonial City Walking Tours as Political Education for Inclusive Cities”

Eva Betavatzi and Stela Muci, George Zamfir
“Fighting against new metro stations in Europe”

Carolina Maria Soares Lima
“Artistic and aesthetic utopias of the common city: representations and imaginations of the (im)possible in Belo Horizonte – MG”.

13:15 – 16:00 Presentation of the Handbook on Urban Sociology

Room: Gunnar Johansson-salen, 14: K120, Blåsenhus
Chair: Irene Molina

Presenters: Andrej Holm; Özlem Celik; Clarissa Campos; Miguel Montalva Barba; Mika J T Hyötyläinen; Luca Brody; Defne Kadioglu; Maren Boersma; Miguel A. Martínez.

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 – 18:00 Closing session

Panel 1: Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

Room: IBF, Seminar room
Chair: Irene Molina




Jeff Maskovsky

Sena Çınar

Gendered Performances in Urban Public Spaces: A Spatial Analysis of Ankara-Ulus, Turkey

Sonja Dragović

Jeff Maskovsky

Commoning the Urban Commons: Lessons from AIDS Activism in Philadelphia

Sena Çınar


Sonja Dragović

Beyond Building: The Role of Socially Engaged Architectural Practices in Contesting Neoliberal Urbanism in Croatia and Portugal

18:00 – 19:30 Farewell mingle (IBF, Trädgårdsgatan 18)


Urban struggles for the right to the city and urban commons

We are interested in the analysis of grassroots struggles and social movements challenging the increasing commodification and authoritarian governance of urban spaces. The proliferation of neoliberal policies, the increasing gentrification of neighbourhoods, the commercialisation and privatization of housing stocks and public space, the displacement, home evictions, criminalisation and marginalisation faced by urban communities, are some of the targets of movements who, at the same time, claim the right to the city for the oppressed and help construct urban commons. We welcome international comparisons of such and other urban contestations. Submitted papers and presentations are expected to provide critical assessments and thick accounts of the movements' features, structures, praxis and outcomes. A special focus on the theoretical frameworks, the specific contexts related to the case-studies, and the research findings is equally encouraged. In particular, we aim at advancing our understanding of the relationship between contentious politics (the conflicts between movements and their opponents) and the structural conditions (capitalist dynamics, intersectional/ reproductive structures, urban development, political opportunities, discursive/cultural struggles about hegemony, etc.) that constrain these conflicts.

Activist research: methodological reflexivity and practical experiences

Participatory, activist and militant approaches to develop socially engaged and critical scholarship in urban studies are currently more thriving and legitimised than ever. At the same time, they face cancellation from conventional and mainstream approaches (and political pundits alike). On the other hand, less radical and critically engaged approaches such as citizen and co-produced science do not necessarily lead to question the underlying hierarchies and inequalities that academic work can reproduce. Finally, residents, inhabitants, community organisers and activists may prefer more conventional and external forms of scientific knowledge than the promised ones by participatory-action research. In these sessions we expect to discuss new insights and experiences related to the relationship between grassroots activism and urban scholarship. Both reflective papers on methodological issues and critical appraisals of previous experiences are welcome. A specific focus on the labour and finances involved in such processes, time-space dimensions, risks of epistemic extractivism, achieved outcomes, collaborative methods, popular scientific education, and artivism/socially-engaged art, to name a few, can inspire the expected submissions.

Housing and Urban (In)Justice in Global North & South contexts

In this block, we are welcoming papers on social inequalities, marginalisation and oppressions that are especially manifested across urban settings, although not limited to them. In particular, we welcome papers addressing class, gender, ethnic/race, citizenship, ability and other dimensions of social cleavages that are expressed in residential conditions, housing inequalities, urban planning and the appropriation of spaces in towns, cities and large metropolitan areas. The scope and scale of land dispossession, displacement and exclusion from adequate housing and essential urban goods and services are multifarious nowadays. The roots of these phenomena are mostly located in power relations which, in turn, shape specific policies, political camps and grassroots social movements. They affect very different territories in the Global North and South, although there are also flows of people, commodities, information and capital that cross national boundaries under very unequal conditions framed by local, regional and global processes of accumulation by dispossession. The financialisation of capitalism adds gendered and racialised dimensions to an acute affordability housing crisis signed by privatisations, state disinvestment, skyrocketing energy costs, home evictions, homelessness, the loss of the commons and the formation of a new housing precariat. The exploitation of a racialized surplus work force, especially in, but not only the housing construction sector, is embedded in structural economic injustice. The current and accelerated environmental catastrophes, pandemics such as the Covid-19 and others, the rise of far-right political parties and governments, and ongoing devastating wars are important issues to address in the field of housing and urban inequalities.

Finding IBF

Finding Blåsenhus


For any inquiries, please contact:

Ilhan Kellecioglu

Mika Hyötyläinen

