European Law
European law includes issues that fall within the application of European law, but also issues connected to the European Convention on Human Rights and comparative national law.
The research in European law at the faculty is extensive and a large number of projects are in progress, where the interaction between European and Swedish law is studied in different fields of the law.
In 2010 the faculty began to build a specific research environment for European law, and especially EU law. Currently research within three extensive themes is carried out here: EU constitutional law, EU criminal law, and EU market law. Our aim is that it will be a leading research environment nationally with broad international research collaboration.
To develop the research collaboration and to strengthen the dialogue with our society, we regularly arrange colloquia or work shops on each theme. We also have special seminars where we present and discuss issues of common importance for the faculty’s research in European law.
Current research
During 2010 the European Union’s new Lisbon Treaty got particular attention in research and seminar activity. A previously started project on the Lisbon treaty and its constitutional consequences was finished and several new projects were initiated. One of these projects concerns how the Lisbon treaty gives national parliaments the possibility to follow and participate in the decision process in the EU.
Since 2011 EU’s criminal law collaboration has had a major role. We have initiated a project about the tension between new EU legislation and the citizens of the Union’s protection of personal integrity. More projects will be initiated.
Since February 2015, the research group on European law has been involved as partner in a European Commission - DG Justice project named CharterClick!.
Starting from November 2015, the Research Group on European Law is involved as partner in the European Commission supported project “ACTIONES” under the “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” Programme.
European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN)
European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN)
Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL)
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at EUI (RSCAS)
Swedish Network for European Legal Studies (SNELS)
Ahmad Alakhal, Doctoral Student
Torbjörn Andersson, Professor
Vladimir Bastidas, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Carl Fredrik Bergström, Professor
Maria Bergström, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Eric Bylander, Professor
Iain Cameron, Professor
Katia Cejie, Professor
Katia de Vries, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
David Fåhraeus, Doctoral Student
Magnus Gulliksson, Doctoral Student
Anna Jonsson Cornell, Professor
Anna-Sara Lind, Professor
Marie Linton, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Annika Nilsson, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Mikael Ruotsi, Senior Lecturer
Santa Slokenberga, Senior Lecturer
Rebecca Söderström, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Research projects
- AI and Automated Systems and the Right to Health – Revisiting Law Accounting for the Exploitation of Users Preferences and Values
- Artificial Intelligence, Democracy and Human Dignity
- Direkta skatter och sociala avgifter i gränsöverskridande situationer
- En centralisering av regelgivning i Europa? Det rättsliga och politiska styrsystemet för finansmarknaden
- EUs regelgivning som respons på kriser
- Mould EIO Review, MEIOR
- National Security in Constitutional Law
- Den svenska offentlighetsprincipen i EU – konstitutionell särart och europeisk författningstradition
- Gärningsidentitet vid gränsöverskridande brottslighet inom EU