
We welcome all our alumni to stay in touch with the institution - you are an important part of us. Your involvement enriches the professional experience of current students and connects us to more collaborative opportunities.

Examples of some of the many ways you can get involved can be found via the education and research collaboration links below. Keep your skills up to date or broaden your horizons by learning about the latest research and developing your expertise.

If you are not already part of our LinkedIn group ‘Uppsala University's Math Alumni’, please join it. There you can find your fellow students and see where others are working.

Department of Mathematics LinkedIn group

Uppsala University alumni network

Teknat alumni

Don't miss our annual alumni event!

Starting in 2023, we have started inviting all our alumni to an annual alumni event that takes place at the end of October. It is a half-day event where alumni, students and department staff meet around a mixed programme of current affairs, research, innovations, discussions, nostalgia and shared passion for the subject.

In 2024, the invitation will continue to be sent out by post to everyone who has studied at least 90 credits in mathematics with us. After that, it will only be advertised in our LinkedIn group and in our department calendar.

Read about the alumni event held in October 2023

Bild tagen från alumneventet 2023. Tre alumner står och pratar runt ett ståbord och i bakgrunden står många andra deltagare och minglar.

