Lifelong learning
Below you can see tips and links to continuing education at Uppsala University. There is a lot that should be of interest to working mathematicians but of course we wish we could offer more.
We are interested in finding out about your training needs so we can gauge demand, so please get in touch. We know that AI, machine learning, programming, statistics and leadership are in demand by many of our alumni, but we would appreciate it if you could confirm and specify or draw our attention to other needs. This may give us ideas for developing open assignment training courses or stand-alone courses that may be of interest to many. See information on contract training and regular course offerings below.
You are welcome to contact our Director of Studies!
Regular programme offerings
Most of the courses we offer at the Department of Mathematics are programme courses that can only be applied for by those taking the proramme, but we also have some freestanding courses. The courses are usually part-time.
See freestanding courses in mathematics
See all courses in IT and programming
Uppsala University's full course catalogue
Self-study courses
The Faculty of Science and Technology has a small collection of self-study materials from various courses, including one on ‘Computational Methods in Financial Mathematics’ and ‘Statistical Machine Learning’.
See the range of self-study materials from engineering and science courses
Contract education - courses to order
Contract education is based on the latest findings in our areas of expertise and courses passed can give higher education credits or course certificates, whichever is required. The form of contract education is governed by your needs and adapted to the skills you need and how you want to teach the course. Courses can be taught either at our premises or at a location that the client prefers, with timetabling adapted to suit combining work with study. Some examples of how contract education assignments can be designed are:
- Courses tailored to your specific needs and challenges.
- Courses based on one of our existing courses with some adaptations to your company’s unique needs.
- Study in parallel with students in our existing courses or study programmes.
Read more about contract education at the Division for Contract Education (only in Swedish).