Pharmacology (15 cr)
With the right drug, healthcare can achieve great things. But before a chemical substance is approved for clinical treatment, precise knowledge of how it will interact with and affect the human body is required. In this distance learning course, you will get up-to-date knowledge in a subject that is in constant development.

In short, pharmacology is the study of how chemical substances affect a living organism. In more detail, the pharmacologist often start out analyzing a disease at molecular level – whereupon the search for a substance with a therapeutic effect begins. The process is both long and costly, with several years of laboratory work followed by, at best, even more years of clinical trials. But with the right competencies, your substance could be the one – out of an average of 5,000 investigated traces – that actually results in an approved drug.
In our course Pharmacology, we overview the full distance from the definition of central concepts to the effects and side effects of various substances on the human body. You will gain a deeper understanding of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized and finally excreted. At the end of the course, you will have up-to-date knowledge about the drug's mechanisms, which will be of great use in society's work to optimize the use of drugs.
Welcome to a course especially designed for you who are in the midst of your career and want to develop or update your skills in pharmacology. The many professions we meet include chemists and civil engineers in the pharmaceutical industry, project managers and nurses.
- The course is given in Autumn and Spring term
- The course is given full time, online and in Swedish
- Flyer Pharmacology (15 cr) Pdf, 254 kB.
- Research in Pharmacology at Uppsala University
- Freestanding courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Anne-Lie Svensson, Course leader
Dep. of Pharmaceutical Biosciences