Health-System Pharmacy (7.5 cr)
Do you want to interact closely with other healthcare professions with a focus on drugs and the patient at the centre? Then Health-System Pharmacy is the course for you. Here, we mix theoretical knowledge about drug management in healthcare with Practical tuition where you put your pharmaceutical skills into practice.
Health-System pharmacists – pharmaceutical experts working in healthcare – have a well-integrated place in Swedish healthcare teams. Not least at the Uppsala University Hospital, where more than 20 clinical pharmacists and 10 unit prescriptionist contribute to optimizing drug use at both individual and unit level. The role also includes overseeing the entire chain from storage to the supply of drugs, operations that adds important value to both the Region and individual care recipients.
At our course Health-System Pharmacy, we highlight the management of drugs at unit level. You gain insight into the entire process from prescription to the delivery of drugs to the patient. You also gain in-depth knowledge of the healthcare organisation, the regulations surrounding drug management in healthcare and the roles of the various professions when collaborating with the caretaker in focus. The course includes three days of Practical tuition where you put your theoretical knowledge into practice.
Welcome to a course that opens the doors to a rapidly growing part of Swedish healthcare where your pharmaceutical skills make a difference for both society and the individual patient.
- The course is given in Autumn and Spring term
- The course is given full time in Uppsala and in Swedish
- Flyer Health-System Pharmacy (7.5 cr) Pdf, 306 kB.
- Info sheet Health-System Pharmacy (7,5 cr) Pdf, 2 MB. (in Swedish)
- Research in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy
- Freestanding courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Matts Balgård, Course leader
Department of Pharmacy