Drug Discovery and Development (7.5 cr)
The inventors of new drugs are experiencing exciting times. The swift progress of Artificial Intelligence and Biologicals are constantly creating new opportunities. Still, without knowledge of pharmacy's all phases, the world of drug discoveries stops. In this course, you get an up-to-date overview of the road from the laboratory to a registered product.

Every year, Swedes buy 208 million pharmaceutical packages on a market with a turnover reaching SEK 53.5 billion. Few of us give any thought to how the product reaches the pharmacy, but the fact is that the journey from laboratory to customer is a both complicated and resource-consuming process. Current studies show that only 1 in 5000 new substances form the basis of an approved drug, that the work requires an average of twelve years and $1.3 billion – but also that the right competence reduces the risk of wrong turns.
In the Drug Discovery and Development course, you experience the entire scientific breadth of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Here you learn of all the skills needed to develop, test and register a new medicine. You also meet guest lecturers from Uppsala University's extensive network who, together with our own teachers and researchers, provide an up-to-date overview covering all phases of the pharmaceutical chain: From medicinal chemistry via clinical trials to commercialisation.
Welcome to a course created for you who are a master's student or have reached even further in your career. Together, we dig deep into the challenges and opportunities that surround the discovery and development of new drugs.
- Kursen genomförs Höst – och Vårtermin
- Undervisning sker på heltid, på campus och på engelska
- Flyer Drug Discovery and Development (7.5 cr) Pdf, 301 kB.
- Freestanding courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy
- Research at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry
- Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
- Research at the Department of Pharmacy
Jonas Rydfjord, Course leader
Department of Medicinal Chemistry