Autumn 2018
25/9 Sanna Raninen, presentation of postdoc project: For the Eye and the Ear: Writing Music Manuscripts in Post-Reformation Finland
2/10 Jonas Lundblad, presentation of research project: Interpretation of Time in the Organ Works of Olivier Messiaen
9/10 Elisabeth Lutteman, Singing as Persuation and Negotiation in Early Seventeenth-Century English Drama
30/10 Fredrica Roos, presentation of Ph.D. project
6/11 Karin Eriksson, Sverker Hyltén Cavallius, Dan Lundberg, Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research: Kreativa förflyttningar - musikaliska flöden i 1960- och 70-talens Sverige
23/11 (Friday) Martin Stokes (title to be confirmed)
4/12 Dafna Dori, presentation of Ph.D. project
11/12 Linus Johansson, Linnaeus University: MTV and political traumas of the 1980:s
Spring 2018
16/1 Research application seminar.
23/1 Stefan Sunandan Honisch, presentation of project within the Engaging Vulnerability programme. N.B e-seminar, to be held in room 9-1061.
30/1 Petter Hellström, Department of History of Ideas: “Ackordens familjeträd” (early modern).
13/2 Application seminar.
20/2 Edward Campbell, Aberdeen. Title t.b.a.
27/2 Per-Henning Olsson, title t.b.a.
9/3 Application seminar N.B. Friday 13.15.
13/3 Christine Jeanneret, Copenhagen (early modern)
27/3 Veronika Muchitsch, material from PhD project on voice and body politics.
10/4 Dafna Dori, material from PhD project on Saleh al-Kuwaity.
17/4 Kjell-Åke Hamrén, material from PhD project on the violin pedagody of Sven Karpe.
24/4 Karin Nelson, Oslo: “Dold pedagogik i 1600-tals klavermanuskript.” (early modern)
4/5 Peter Gillgren, Stockholm. Title t.b.a. (early modern). N.B. Friday 13.15!
15/5 Angela Impey, SOAS. Title t.b.a.
22/5 Lars Berglund, title t.b.a.
29/5 Helen Rossil, material from PhD project.
- For research questions, contact:
- Lars Berglund
- Mattias Lundberg