Recently graduated PhD Candidates
Carl Sjösvärd Birger
Sjösvärd Birger's dissertation Den katolicerande riktningen i vår kyrka" Högkyrklig rörelse och identitet i Svenska kyrkan 1909–1946 (" The Catholicising Tendency in Our Church": High Church Movement and Identity in the Church of Sweden 1909–1946) examines the Swedish high church movement, its conditions, emergence, and identity creation during the early 20th century. Central theoretical concepts are modernity, movement, collective identity, and use of history.
Andreas Mazetti Petersson
Mazetti Petersson's thesis, A Culture for the Christian Commonwealth: Antonio Possevino, authority, history, and the Venetian Interdict, examines how Italian Jesuit Antonio Possevino (1533–1611) argued in favor of a centralized and unified Catholic culture and how it was expressed in an encounter with early modern advocates of free nation-states. Mazetti Petersson also analyses how theology, philosophy, and rhetoric were used in texts during the early modern era.