Collaborations and Cooperation

The discipline History of Religions and World Christianity has, in addition to contacts with other disciplines at the Faculty of Theology, also close contact with Indology (Faculty of Linguistics) and Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of History and Philosophy). In the Forum for African Studies at Uppsala University, a joint faculty forum at the disciplinary domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, researchers and doctoral students with an interest in Africa find a stimulating environment and good opportunities for collaboration across faculty boundaries.

The History of Religion specialisation regularly participates in graduate school collaboration in the history of religion with teachers and doctoral students at other institutions of higher education in Sweden. Various forms of cooperation also take place on an individual level. Since 2016, Nils Billing has been involved as an epigrapher in the archaeological project The Gebel el-Silsila Project in southern Egypt under the leadership of Dr Maria Nilsson at Lund University. Jens W Borgland participates in research related to the Norwegian Philological Institute (PHI). Doctoral student Lisa Bukhave Jensen participates in the research environment surrounding the project Languages and Myths of Prehistory (LAMP).

The specialisation World Christianity regularly participates in graduate school collaboration through the Nordic network Nordic Institute for Mission Research and Ecumenical Studies (NIME). World Christianity is also an active partner in The European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies (ESITIS) and participates regularly in conferences organised by the society. World Christianity collaborates in several ways with the Church of Sweden's research unit, both in the research project on Swedish missionaries in Zimbabwe and in the editorial office for the Church of Sweden Research Series. The collaboration between World Christianity and Stiftelsen Fjellstedtska skolan takes place in the form of shorter and longer courses, lectures and seminars as well as study trips.

Håkan Bengtsson participates in the Forum for Jewish Studies program and through course collaboration with its teachers and researchers. Cooperation is also carried out with the Department of Archives, Libraries and Museums on issues of cultural heritage and political conflict. There is collaboration with the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong on courses in Second Temple Judaism and biblical studies, as well as with the Church of Sweden's international department in Uppsala regarding Jewish-Christian relations.

