Rules for using Uppsala University Library

Table of contents:

General Regulations

Uppsala University Library (hereafter referred to as the “University Library”) is a public research library. The collections and services offered at the University Library are primarily intended for researchers, teachers and students at Uppsala University, but may also be used by the general public.

For Almedalen Library, special rules apply.

Library Account

  1. A library account must be registered in order to borrow and request material. A library card must be connected to this library account.
  2. Employees and students at Uppsala University activate their campus card as a library card.
  3. Anyone else, who has turned 18 years old and can present a valid identity document, get a library card issued by the University Library. Persons under 18 years may also obtain a library card following special assessment.
  4. Valid identity documents are Swedish photo identifications, national ID cards (for EU citizens) and passports.
  5. Library cards and campus cards are for personal use and should be treated as valuables. Lost library cards are replaced against a fee.
  6. It is the borrower’s responsibility to ensure that the postal address and email address specified in the library account are kept up to date.
  7. In order to borrow, you need a library card number or personal identity number, together with a PIN-code.

Borrowing Rules

  1. The Library catalogue states the borrowing periods that apply for each individual book.
  2. The borrower must keep track of when the borrowing periods end on their own, and return material at the correct time or extend the borrowing period by renewing the loan. See the link “My loans” on the Library website.
  3. The borrower is responsible for the material until it is returned to the Library and has been de-registered in the borrowing system.
  4. Library material shall be handled carefully and be protected against damage.
  5. Printout, downloading and copying may only be done for private use in accordance with the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (SFS 1960:729 ).

Material with special borrowing conditions

  1. Reference materials and periodicals shall, as a rule, be studied at the library in question.
  2. Material printed before 1900 shall, as a rule, be studied in the reading room at the library in question, and may not be borrowed. There are limitations to the borrowing right for some more recent material as well.
  3. Unique material (manuscripts, maps, images, etc.) may as a rule only be studied in special reading rooms at Carolina Rediviva.
  4. Printed material from before 1851 may as a rule only be studied in the Special Reading Room.
  5. The rules that apply for the special reading rooms are stated on the University Library website.

Interlibrary loans

  1. Researchers, students and employees at Uppsala University may borrow material that is for research and studies and not held by Uppsala University Library as interlibrary loans. Borrowing periods and other rules in connection with interlibrary loans are determined by the lending library.
  2. Interlibrary loans within the Nordic countries are usually free of charge. An administration fee is charged for interlibrary loans from libraries outside the Nordic countries.
  3. Copies of material that is not held by Uppsala University Library may be acquired within copyright and licensing rules. Fees may apply.
  4. See the University Library website for current pricing information for interlibrary loans.

Electronic resources

  1. Employees and students have access to the Library’s electronic resources, such as databases, e-periodicals and e-books, both on and outside the University premises via their personal logins issued by the University.
  2. Because of the applicable license agreements, other visitors only have the opportunity to use the Library’s electronic resources on the Library’s public computers. Visitors are issued a temporary guest account when visiting the Library in order to login to these computers.
  3. Those who use the Library’s e-periodicals, e-books and other database material must comply with the license conditions for each service. In addition, printout and downloading may only be done for private use in accordance with the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (SFS 1960:729 ).

Recalls, fees and damaged or lost material

  1. Borrowed material will be recalled when the borrowing period has expired. If the material is not returned, or the loan not renewed when possible, the borrower will be blocked from any further borrowing until the material is returned.
  2. If the material is not returned after recalls have been issued repeatedly, the borrower is obliged to pay an administration fee of SEK 250. The administration fee shall always be paid, even if the material is returned at a later time.
  3. If the borrowed material is not returned, the borrower will also be invoiced a replacement fee with a minimum amount of SEK 600. If the purchase price is higher than SEK 600, the borrower will be invoiced for the full price of a new purchase.
  4. The borrowed material belongs to the Library even if a replacement fee has been paid.
  5. The Library offers different payment options. Please contact Ask the Library for more information.
  6. Damage to borrowed material that occurs during the borrowing period shall be compensated for by the borrower. All repairs are made by the Library. Damaged material belongs to the Library even after such compensation has been paid.
  7. For as long as a borrower is liable to compensate the Library for any administration fee, damaged or non-returned material, the borrower is blocked from any further borrowing.

Rules of conduct

  1. Users of the Library’s services are obliged to show consideration for other visitors and comply with the rules that are given via notices or verbal instructions from the Library officials.
  2. Anyone disturbing the activities on the Library premises, not complying with the borrowing rules or otherwise misusing the Library’s information resources and services, may have the right to use the Library and to be present on its premises removed.


  1. Data about an individual’s borrowing, orders and reservations, as well as data about an individual’s use of information technology, are protected according to Chapter 40 Section 3 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (SFS 2009:400), unless it is clear that the information can be disclosed without causing the individual in question or someone they are related to any harm.

Personal data handling and personal data controller

  1. Uppsala University is the personal data controller for processing of personal data within Uppsala University Library. We care about your privacy and all processing is done in accordance with the Data Protection Act as well as with supplementary national legislation. See the University’s data protection policy for more information.
  2. The data submitted when registering for a library account includes name, address, personal identity number, email address (optional), phone number (optional) and borrower category. This information is required for the University Library to be able to administer library borrowing.
  3. Your personal information will not be processed for any other purpose than to administer the borrowing and will not be disclosed to any third-party outside of Uppsala University. Exceptions are made if we must enlist the services of a debt collection agency to recover outstanding debts, or compelling law entails that personal information must be provided to a third-party.
  4. You have the right to request information about your personal data that is processed at Uppsala University and, among other things, have the data corrected or deleted and in some cases make objections to how it is used. In such cases, contact the University’s data protection officer at the email address

Changes in the library rules

As a borrower, you are responsible for keeping yourself informed of any changes or updates to these rules and regulations. The rules stated in the Policies and Regulations at Uppsala University apply. The borrowing rules are also published on the University Library website.

The borrowing rules apply from 1 July 2021.

This translation is for information purposes only and has no legal force. The original Swedish version is the authentic text.


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