Uppsala University most mentioned in social media



The media monitoring company Meltwater has conducted a media survey of Swedish universities’ presence in social media. According to the survey, Uppsala University is the Swedish higher education institution (HEI) mentioned most frequently abroad.

Meltwater collected its data between 1 January and 17 April 2018. In the survey, it investigated which university is the biggest in social media (‘Share of Voice’), the followers’ age and gender composition and what each university is associated with.

Uppsala University has the highest number of mentions (6,524) in social media outside Sweden, closely followed by Lund University and Stockholm University.

Below is the full list of percentages of mentions in social media for some of the Swedish HEIs:

  • Uppsala University 21.2%
  • Lund University 21.1%
  • Stockholm University 19.5%
  • Karolinska Institutet 9.8%
  • University of Gothenburg 7.4%
  • Chalmers University of Technology 6.6%
  • Linköping University 6.1%
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology 3.5%
  • Stockholm School of Economics 3.1%
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 1.7%.

Overall at these universities, the followers’ average age is 28.5 years. About half the followers on Instagram are from Sweden. On Twitter, international followers are more numerous. The gender distribution of Twitter followers is even, while there are more women on Instagram.

For Uppsala University, the average age on Twitter is 28 years; 52% are women; and 48% are from Sweden. On Instagram, the average age is 29 years; 67% are women; and 54% are from Sweden.

For each university, Meltwater has also made ‘word clouds’ representing the words written by people in social media. These are based on data from 1 January to 17 April 2018.

According to Meltwater, Uppsala University’s word clouds show an interest in international Master’s scholarships. Above all in January, and then especially on Twitter, many posts were published about this.

“It’s wonderful that we’re so advanced in social media,” says Director of Communication Pernilla Björk.

“The result reflects our long-term strategy of recruiting international students to master programmes, including through the #taggedforuppsala campaign. This makes us more ‘tagged’ ourselves, which encourages us to sharpen our strategies, move forward and become even better.”

Anna Malmberg

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