New podcast on antibiotic resistance

The Uppsala Antibiotic Center launches their newest outreach project, "The AMR Studio", with the occasion of the World Antibiotic Awareness Week.

The AMR Studio is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the multidisciplinary research on antimicrobial resistance that is happening around the world. Formatted around interviews with professionals working in all aspects of the topic, they aim to bring the global and trans-sectorial nature of the fight against antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance to anyone with an interest. 

In this first episode they feature a short introduction on what antibiotics and antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance are, an in-depth interview with the management team of the Uppsala Antibiotic Center and talk a bit about what the World Antibiotic Awareness Week is.

The AMR Studio team is composed by Eva Garmendia, coordinator at Uppsala Antibiotic Centre, Po-Cheng Tang, PhD student at the Department of Medical Cell Biology and Jennifer Jagdmann, PhD student at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology (from left to right).


Follow the AMR Studio and subscribe to get new episodes directly in your preferred device and platform: iTunesSpotify or SoundCloud


The World Antibiotic Awareness Week is a campaign launched by the WHO that takes place in November every year. It aims to increase global awareness of antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.
Read more about the World Antibiotic Awareness Week.

Uppsala Antibiotic Centre is a center for research, education and innovation that was founded by Vice-Chancellor Eva Åkesson in 2015 to bring together, stimulate and support important research on antibiotic resistance from all three disciplinary domains at Uppsala University: Medicine and Pharmacy, Science and Technology, and Humanities and Social Sciences.
Read more about Uppsala Antibiotic Centre.


Josefin Svensson

