Make sure you provide the most value to the scientific community by publishing your results in a clear and concise way! The following article aims at giving you an overview over important aspects to consider when publishing behavioural experiments.
If you are planning to conduct experiments in UUBF's facilities, please make sure to carefully read through the important information section on this website.
Publish your results - Report your findings
2. Supplementary information and upload of raw data
In addition to reporting your methodology detailed in accordance with the ARRIVE guideline, consider making your raw data, experimental protocols and analysis available to the scientific community by including it as supplementary material in your publication. In case this is not possible due to constraints from the publisher, consider hosting it on a public webserver or uploading it to a repository.
Alternatively, consider publishing your research on a preprint server such as bioRxiv. Many journals allow posting of manuscripts on preprint servers prior to publication.
UUBF support - from design to published paper
The backbone of all experiments
A well-designed experiment is more likely to yield meaningful results while minimising the risk of unforeseen errors.
From design to result
Put your plans in practice using UUBF's facilities, equipment and expertise.
Gain insights
Get the most out of your data by optimising your data analysis.
Report your findings
Make sure you provide the most value to the scientific community by publishing your results in a clear and concise way.