Jacob Andersson Emad
Jacob Andersson Emad received his PhD in 2021 on the topic “Aetiologies and Epidemiology of Subdural Haemetoma in Infancy”. This research addressed the scientifically challenged notion that subdural haematoma (SDH) in combination with retinal haemorrhage and encephalopathy (usually denoted as the triad) during infancy is highly specific for abusive head trauma/shaken baby syndrome. The thesis provided evidence that non-abusive aetiologies for SDH in infancy may have been overlooked in previous research. Dr Andersson Emad currently works as a practicing physician.
Selection of publications
Andersson, J., Wikström J., Högberg, U., Wester, K. & Thiblin, I. (2021). External Hydrocephalus as a Cause of Infant Subdural Hematoma: Epidemiological and Radiological Investigations of Infants Suspected of Being Abused. Pediatric Neurology, 126
Andersson, J. & Thiblin, I. (2018). It Is Important not to assume Aetiology for the Triad before the Outcome of Diagnostic Investigtions. Acta paediatrica, 108. 10.1111/apa.14276
Andersson, J. & Thiblin, I. (2017). National Study Shows that Abusive Head Trauma Mortality in Sweden was At Least 10 times Lower than in Other Western Countries. Acta Paediatrica 107 (3). doi:10.1111/apa.14138