Started in 2013, the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) is a biobanking organisation in 20 European countries aimed at making biological samples and data readily available for medical research and development in health care and medical care and of highlighting Europe’s common resources in a global perspective. Through its various nodes in member countries, the infrastructure contains a large and diverse range of well-characterised biological samples. The Biobank Sweden research infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council and serves as the Swedish node in BBMRI-ERIC. It is referred as in the European context.
The Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI) funds this research infrastructure, which the Swedish Research Council considers to be in the national interest.
Related information
Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) website
Tobias Sjöblom, Professor at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology.