National infrastructure for supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS)
National infrastructure for supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) is a national research infrastructure providing resources for large-scale computation (HPC), storage for active data, and user support for academic research in Sweden. NAISS supports Swedish research of the highest quality in all scientific disciplines requiring NAISS resources. For large-scale analysis of sensitive data, NAISS offers a dedicated resource for secure handling of this type of data.
Linköping University hosts NAISS and the intention for UU is to affiliate during the construction phase A network of nodes within NAISS will be established during 2023.
The Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI) funds this research infrastructure, which the Swedish Research Council considers to be in the national interest.
Related information
National infrastructure for supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS)’s website
The European High Performance Computing Joint undertaking (EuroHPC)
- Elisabeth Larsson
- Professor at Department of Information Technology and Director at Uppsala Multidisciplinary Centre for Advanced Computational Science.