Occupational Therapy Programme Committee
- Maria Borgestig, Senior Lecturer, Chair
- Therese Hellman, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Vice Chair
- Camilla Olsson, Senior Lecturer
- Helen Melander Bowden, Professor
- Lena Zetterberg, Senior Lecturer
- Pär Nyström, Senior Lecturer
- Sandra Torres, Professor
- Andrea Lundqvist, representative for Uppsala University Hospital
- Carina Ahlstedt, representative for Uppsala municipality
Right to attend and express opinions
- Charlotta Qvarfort, Lecturer
- Helene Lidström, Senior Lecturer
- Mina Moosavi, Lecturer
- Susanne Assander, Lecturer
- Anette Winberg, representative for Region Uppsala
- Susanne Sturesson, representative for Uppsala municipality
- Åsa Fichtel, representative for Samordningsförbundet Uppsala län
Responsible officer
- Sofia Aslanidou, Education Officer
Relaterad information
Term of office:
2023-07-01 – 2026-06-30
(student representatives:
2024-08-31 – 2025-06-06)