When searching online, there is an almost endless number of pages and videos, etc., offering various introductions to generative AI. There are also more specialized resources aimed specifically at university teachers and students, which can provide knowledge, ideas, and also problematizations of generative AI in higher education.
On this page, only a selection of online resources is gathered to help those who want to learn more about generative AI on their own. The Unit for Academic Teaching and Learning organises a online self-study course (The English course is under construction) aimed at teachers at UU, but the unit also reccommend interested teachers to participate in the seminars and workshops announced in the calendar.
Please also visit the page with general links on generative AI in the Staff Gateway!
General introductions, resources, and training on generative AI
Some of the resources require creating a free account to access the material.
- Introduction to the field, with Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University (in Swedish)AI Sweden is a national centre for AI-related topics and offers lots of links that lead furtherWASP-ED is a national project, specifically aimed at higher educationGeneration AI - a series of six episodes from Swedish Television (in Swedish)Generative AI in Higher Education - an online course from British FutureLearnAI, Chatbots & ChatGPT for Teachers - online courseFocused on ChatGPT, but most of it is also applicable to other tools, such as Copilot
- The AI Pedagogy Project - from Harvarid, provides a general introducton, but also includes concrete examples of assignments
Prompting etc.
Links to more specific guides