How the Staff Gateway works
It should be easy and simple to access the information you need in your role as a member of staff at Uppsala University, whether you work in research, education or support. This principle forms the basis of the Staff Gateway.
Targeted content for different groups
Content aimed at all staff can be found in the side menu, while content aimed at those working in a specific area is compiled in a number of targeted gateways:
- management and leadership
- research
- doctoral studies
- teaching
- study administration
- HR
- financial administration
- IT
- web publishing
Local pages on the new Staff Gateway
An important aspect of the improved structure is that each department, faculty, disciplinary domain, campus and division of the Administration has its own pages on the Staff Gateway which are linked to other content in a smart way. The department and division pages are only accessible to their own staff in order to provide the best possible support for internal communication.
The Staff Gateway is tailored to you
The Staff Gateway is based on you following different pages in line with your role, the area of in the organisation in which you are placed and your physical location. Some of these are selected for you automatically while others are up to you to choose. The pages you follow impact which shortcuts, news and calendar events appear on your home page and in your personal menu.
Internal courses located in the internal course catalogue
All internal courses are compiled in one place and accessible from relevant locations on the Staff Gateway. The course search function allows you to browse all courses and conduct refined searches, while each of the targeted gateways allows you to access the courses aimed at a specific target group, such as researchers, doctoral students or study administrators. Internal courses are not advertised in the regular calendar.
Search all of the University’s internal courses
Tools and guides
On the home page (when logged in) there is a list of tools in which you can search for tools and pin the ones to which you want easily accessible shortcuts. You can search by either the name of the tool or its description. Each tool is accompanied by links to its guides and support information. Your pinned tools are then easily accessible under your personal menu in the top right corner of all pages.
On the Staff Gateway, the term “tool” is used to refer to all digital systems used at the University. The tools are compiled in the main tool search function, but a customised selection is also available in the targeted gateways and on the departments’ own pages, for example. The tools have associated guides that describe how to use the system. In line with the Staff Gateway, the term “guide” replaces all other terms for the same thing, such as handbook, manual and instructions.
Groups, local information and the staff directory will remain on the Staff Portal
The Staff Portal will continue to be accessible until the end of April. This is to give departments and other parts of the University time to migrate their local information. The groups will also be available during this time. These will gradually be replaced by SharePoint or phased out depending on how your part of the organisation has chosen to proceed. The staff directory will also remain on the Staff Portal for a certain period. All other information will be available as of the launch on 6 December on the new Staff Gateway.