Application and results

As a Master's student you can apply for Exchange studies during your third semester. As a Master's student, you are eligible to study on both an undergraduate and graduate level.

The application for exchange during autum 2025 will open 1 January 2025! You can find all the application steps below.


Partner universities

Avaliable universities in the application for Autumn 2025

  • Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • University of Alberta
  • Augustana College
  • BI Handelshøyskolen
  • Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi di Milano
  • Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'
  • University of Calgary
  • Cardiff University
  • Chung-Ang University
  • EM Strasbourg Business School
  • ESSCA - School of Management
  • European Business School (EBS)
  • Exeter Business School
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Galway University
  • Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
  • IÉSEG - School of Management
  • KEDGE Business School
  • KU Leuven
  • Université Laval
  • Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) 'Guido Carli'
  • Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB)
  • National Chengchi University (NCCU)
  • National Taiwan University (NTU)
  • National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH Bergen)
  • University of Ottawa
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
  • Prague University of Economics and Business
  • Queen's University
  • Rikkyo University
  • Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Universidad de Deusto
  • University of Zürich
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU)

The application is submitted in the form linked below. The application for exchange during autum 2025 is open 1 January to 9 February, 2025.

To the online application

Before you apply, please go through the information concerning our partner universities, their course catalogue and travel reports. Do make sure that the universities you apply for have courses that you are interested in. As a Master's student, you are eligible to study on both an undergraduate and graduate level.

In order to apply for an exchange you need to complete the following step:

Fill out the online application and attach the documents below.

  • Personal letter
  • If you have incomplete courses, please explain in a separate document how you plan to finish these.

The personal letter shall include the following:

  • an introduction of yourself in Swedish or English
  • academic motivation explaining your first choice of university
  • academic motivation for the intended subject of your studies
  • explaining the exchange university's semester dates, exam period etc. and how this fits with your studies at Uppsala University and the semester dates here
  • other merits such as language skills, non-academic merits and the ability to be a good representative for Uppsala University.

The personal letter will be read by the International Mobility Office and makes up for part of the selection criterias for the application for exchange studies.

If we have any questions regarding your application we will contact you through e-mail or phone, so make sure to check your e-mail and spam regularly.

Important reminders

  • Be aware of overlapping semester dates! If the dates overlap you need to contact the teacher for the course you are going to study and ask for permission to arrive late to the course.
  • Travel reports are an important source of information for students going on an exchange.
  • Make sure to be well informed about various requirements such as Visa application, health certificate and other necessary documentation. Any costs associated with these documents are paid by the student.

The results of the selection process for exchange placement will be announced via e-mail, together with instructions on how to accept or decline the offer.

Read more about the selection process

Accepting the exchange placement

You accept the offer by sending or handing in a signed exchange agreement to the International Mobility Office. Agreements that are received after the deadline will not be considered, and the applicant will have lost their exchange placement. The exchange agreement is binding and you will be registered in Ladok for an exchange and cannot be accepted for studies at Uppsala University during this term.

Declining the exchange placement

Should you wish to decline your placement, please let us know by email,


The International Mobility Office will nominate you to the partner university and once nominated we will send you a confirmation. Placement at universities with early deadlines are prioritised. As a result nominations and confirmations may be sent out at varying points in time and you might not hear from the contact person at your host university for several weeks.

You will receive important emails with information prior to your exchange semester. Please ensure that you check your e-mail and spam regularly.

Application process to your host university
Contact with the host university, after the nomination, is handled by the student, and it is your responsibility to submit the required documentation and application on time.

Official transcripts

You will receive a Transcript of Records from your host university. The majority of our partner universities send your transcript to our office. When the transcript arrives we will contact you via e-mail. In case of a delay we ask that you start with contacting the host university. Please inform us should your transcript be sent directly to you.

Transfer credits

Transfer of credits is handled by the Graduation Office and you should apply to have credits transferred directly with them. More information about transferring credits and the application form is available at Uppsala Universitys page about transfer of credits.

Share your experiences

Those who have been on an exchange are the ones with the best knowledge of the University you visited. We would therefor be grateful if you would participate in the information meetings for students interested in exchange that are arranged before an application process begins. You do not need to prepare or bring any material to the meeting but we would be grateful if you would be available to answer questions about your exchange in relation to accommodation, courses, course application and language etc.

We will send you a request after you've returned from your exchange.

Hand in a travel report

All students going on exchange through the Department of Business Studies are expected to write a travel report. The travel reports are an important source of information for future students wanting to go on exchange. The travel reports will be published in our exchange agreement database, let us know if you do not want it to be published.

How to write your travel report

