
Registration for exams takes place as usual through Ladok no later than 12 days before the exam. Please note that we never accept registrations for exams after the registration is closed in Ladok.

In Ladok you can also find time, date and location for all exams, no later than five weeks before the beginning of the course.

Uppsala universitets site about exam


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Exams at the department are, in general, written as e-exams in Inspera. There you can find your exam when it has been graded.

Exams can be collected by emailing Ekonomikum's reception. Written exams will be saved for two years.

If you find that you have received an incorrect grade or that the decision on a grade has been made in an improper way you can ask for a reconsideration of a decision on a grade. Reassessment can occur because of new facts, or if the grade is obviously incorrect and if the change can be done quickly and easily. It is not about regrading or assess the exam again, but correcting obvious errors.

The application form for reconsideration of a grade (Pdf) Pdf, 164 kB. is handed in to the reception desk at Ekonomikum. If your application concerns an E-examination your reconsideration can be sent directly to the Course Administration, info@fek.uu.se.

If you have sent in a request considering reconsideration to the examiner, without getting it reconsidered, you can contact the Ombudsmen for Grading Issues at Uppsala University. Ombudsmen for grading issues investigate if the assessment process has been followed properly. Please note that the Ombudsmen cannot change any decisions on a grade taken by the examiner, they investigate the process and leave a written opinion to the department.

Please note that the course literature can be changed regularly, in form of new editions, books and articles. Therefore we recommend that you complete the course the same term as you started it. That the course literature has changed is not a reason to require an extra exam.

When a course is discontinued it can still be possible to finish it by doing an exam. Discontinued courses

