Admission and registration
When you have been admitted to a course you need to register for the course to keep the place. If you are a new student at Uppsala University you first need to activate your student account. You register for our courses yourself in Ladok for students.
Admitted with conditions
If you have been admitted conditionally, you must contact no later than the closing date for registration to prove that you meet the admission requirements and to be registered.
On the waiting list
If you are on the waiting list, the department will contact you by email if we can offer you a place and you will then have 1-2 days to accept the offer. The registration for the waiting list starts the day after the last day for registration.
Incoming Exchange Students
If you are an incoming exchange student, contact the Study administration or consult the main University page for information on admission, registration, and other study matters.
Contact information
Study administration Campus Uppsala (courses och programmes at Campus Uppsala)
Study administration at Campus Gotland (courses och programmes at Campus Gotland)