Where to find us
Department of Literature and Rhetoric is located at English Park Campus. Visit their website for more information.
Course administration and study guidance
Ingrid McGarry, course administrator and study counsellor
Contact me if you have questions about your registration, academic leave, discontinuation of studies or would like to book an appointment for study guidance. I am also the contact person for students with targeted study support at the department.
Anna-Lotta Jadinge, course administrator
Contact me if you have questions regarding literature courses in the Upper Secondary School Teacher Education Programme – Swedish. For other questions and study guidance within the programme, we refer to the Department of Scandinavian Languages.
Programme coordinator
Janne Lindqvist, coordinator for the department's bachelor's programmes:
- Bachelor's Programme in Rhetorical and Literary Communication
- Bachelor's Programme in Literature
- Bachelor's Programme in Rhetoric
Mattias Pirholt, coordinator for the department's master's programmes:
- Master's Programme in Literature
- Master's Programme in Rhetoric
- Master's Programme in Scandinavian Studies (specialisation in Literature)
Director of studies
The directors of studies have the overall responsibility for the deparment's courses and progarmmes. Contact them if you have questions that cannot be directed to the teacher responsible for the course, the head of programme or to the course administration.
AnnaCarin Billing, director of first cycle/Bachelor’s studies
Mattias Pirholt, director of second cycle/Master's studies