Housing for exchange students
As an exchange student, you are often given priority for student housing administered by Uppsala University Housing Office. We recommend you apply for housing this way, considering the difficulties in finding temporary housing that both Uppsala and Visby present.
Housing through Uppsala University Housing Office
How to get exchange student housing
When to apply
If you have applied for an exchange program at Uppsala University, you can apply for housing as soon as the application period starts, even if you have not received your Certificate of Acceptance yet.
The application dates for housing are set by Uppsala University Housing Office. However, the application period is usually around the following dates:
- Approximately 15 November-30 November for housing starting the following spring semester
- Approximately 15 May-31 May for housing starting the following autumn semester
How to apply
The application instructions and online application link will be emailed to you shortly before the application period opens.
Accept the offer before the deadline
Uppsala University Housing Office usually sends accommodation offers at the beginning of December for the spring semester and at the beginning of June for the autumn semester or a full academic year. When you receive an offer from Uppsala University Housing Office, make sure you accept it within the deadline specified in the offer. The deadline is usually within a couple of days of getting the offer.
The lease is binding
Once you accept an offer from Uppsala University Housing Office, you sign a lease. The lease is a binding contract.
Housing priority terms
Formal exchange students from exchange agreements with a good balance between incoming and outgoing students are given priority for student housing, given that they submit their housing application on time and accept an offer for housing when made
Types of housing
At Uppsala University there are no halls of residence, colleges, or other forms of university housing. All rooms that students live in are regular rooms owned by a variety of different housing companies. The rooms are administered by the private company Uppsala University Housing Office.
No meal plans
Uppsala University and Uppsala University Housing Office does not offer meal plans. You can cook in shared kitchens in student housings as well as buy meals at the university’s cafeterias, at the student nations, or in town.
Extended stay
If your lease ends before the end of term, you might be able to get at a short extension of your lease. We can help you with your extension request to the Uppsala University Housing Office if you contact the exchange coordinator at least three months before the end of your lease.
- If you have a university-wide exchange agreement, email mobility@uu.se.
- If you have a departmental exchange agreement, email your department at Uppsala University.
Finding housing on your own
Note that it is strongly recommended to apply for the accommodation offered by Uppsala University Housing Office as it is very difficult to find an apartment in Uppsala and in Visby.
For questions about student housing in Uppsala: info@housingoffice.se.
For questions about student housing in Visby: boende@rindi.com.
More information can also be found at Uppsala University Housing Office's website.