Master's Programme in Analytical Chemistry - EACH

120 credits

Programme syllabus, TAK2M

A revised version of the programme syllabus is available.
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 8 November 2022
Registration number
TEKNAT 2022/136
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Science and Technology
Responsible department
Department of Chemistry - BMC

Decisions and guidelines

According to the decision by the Vice Chancellor 2020-08-25, Uppsala University will from Autumn term 2020 offer a Master's programme in Analytical Chemistry - EACH (UFV 2020/1161).

Entry requirements

Academic requirements

A Bachelor's degree from an internationally recognised university. Also required is 60 credits in chemistry or chemical engineering and 20 credits in mathematics and/or physics. For more information about specific entry requirements, see the EACH website.

Language requirements

Proficiency in English. For more information about English language requirements, see the EACH website.


After completing the program, the student will meet the requirements for a master's degree in the main area of ​​chemistry at Uppsala University as well as a master's degree at Tartu University.

The Master's Program in Analytical Chemistry - EACH focuses on both the fundamental principles for careful analysis of chemically complex issues and on the latest pioneering achievements in specialized high-tech analysis technology that includes high-resolution multidimensional separation and tandem mass spectrometry with applications in metabolomics and proteomics. The program aims to meet the increased need for knowledge and skills of this particular combination of subjects and defines a new professional profile that corresponds to the growing lack of expertise in analytical chemistry, processing and interpretation of complex multivariate data prevailing in both academia and industry. The program paves the way for a career in academia or other research-intensive workplaces such as industry or the public sector.

The program consists of a carefully selected combination of courses that provide both a strong theoretical basis and an ability to apply this knowledge in practical applications. The program offers courses, project work and specializations in collaboration with both industrial and academic partners. This provides the conditions for relating acquired knowledge and skills to relevant and current problems in both research and industry.

Learning outcomes

According to the Higher Education Act, the following applies to education at the advanced level:

Education at the advanced level should essentially be based on the knowledge gained by the students in education at the undergraduate level or equivalent knowledge.

Advanced level education shall involve deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to basic level education and shall, in addition to those applicable to basic level education,

- further develop students' ability to independently integrate and use knowledge,

- developing students' ability to handle complex phenomena, issues and situations, and

- develop students' prerequisites for professional activities that place high demands on independence or for research and development work. Law (2006: 173).

According to the Higher Education Ordinance, the following objectives apply for a master's degree

Knowledge and understanding

For the master's degree, the student must

  • show knowledge and understanding in the main area of ​​the education, including both broad knowledge in the field as well as substantial in-depth knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as in-depth insight into current research and development work, and
  • show in-depth methodological knowledge in the main area of ​​education.

Skills and abilities

For the master's degree, the student must

  • demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and to analyse, assess and manage complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information,
  • Demonstrate the ability to critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate issues, to plan and implement appropriate tasks within given time frames, thereby contributing to the development of knowledge and to evaluate this work,
  • demonstrate the ability, both nationally and internationally, to clearly and orally and in writing, present and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments that underpin them in dialogue with different groups, and
  • demonstrate the skills required to participate in research and development work or to work independently in other qualified activities.

For the Master's programme in Analytical Chemistry, the student should

  • independently formulate and analyse problems of chemical relevance and, through information retrieval, experiments and computer use, obtain sufficient information needed to propose solutions, even when complete information is lacking
  • have advanced skills to independently or in collaboration with others be able to plan and perform experimental work and computer calculations on chemical systems and be able to critically evaluate the results
  • independently and in collaboration with others on a scientific basis be able to initiate, be responsible for, plan and lead investigations and investigations of complicated issues with chemical relevance, also by applying knowledge in adjacent subject areas such as mathematics, physics and biology.
  • be informed about current laws and regulations regarding chemical work, and have a good understanding of the importance of chemistry to society
  • be able to independently monitor knowledge development and evaluate new findings by using chemical literature and databases

Judgement and approach

For the master's degree, the student must

  • demonstrate the ability to make judgments in the main area of ​​education with regard to relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects and to show awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work,
  • show insight into the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and people's responsibility for its use, and
  • demonstrate the ability to identify their need for further knowledge and to take responsibility for their knowledge development.

For the Master's programme in Analytical Chemistry, the student should

  • be able to present results and conclusions independently and in collaboration with others in writing and orally in a manner relevant to the field, and be able to discuss chemical issues chemistry in the community with different groups at an appropriate level.

Layout of the programme

Master's Program in Analytical Chemistry - EACH is part of the Master's Program EACH - Excellence in Analytical Chemistry which is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Program in Chemistry with specialization in Analytical Chemistry and jointly provided by Tartu Ülikool, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Turku Academy and Uppsala university.

Students in the Master's Program in Analytical Chemistry - EACH at Uppsala University read their first year at Tartu Ülikool, Estonia and year 2 at Uppsala University.


The Master's program further builds on the experiences and knowledge that the students have from their previous studies. Students are expected to participate and actively contribute to teaching and take great responsibility, both their own and their fellow students' learning. The program's teachers have the main responsibility for creating good conditions for active individual and shared learning. Teaching is continuously designed and developed through a respectful dialogue between teachers and students.

In order to acquire both new knowledge and new skills at the advanced level, most courses, in addition to lectures and lessons, also include seminars and projects where communication training is an integral part. In all courses, independent, laboratory training is also a very important part.

The master's program EACH is an international master's program and all teaching takes place in English.


The Master's program EACH - Excellence in Analytical Chemistry leads to a so-called "double degree" and diplomas can be obtained from several current educational institutions. Students who read the master's program in analytical chemistry - EACH at Uppsala University can apply for a master's degree from both Tartu University and Uppsala University).

The rector at Uppsala University issues diploma for science master's degree with chemistry as the main area upon request.

The master's degree is a so-called general degree, which means that the student takes the degree in the main area, according to the criteria below, regardless of whether the courses are included in the program or not. It is therefore possible to include independent courses in the degree.

Regulations according to Higher Education Ordinance

A Degree of Master (120 credits) is obtained after the student has completed course requirements of 120 higher education credits with a certain area of specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, including at least 60 higher education credits with in-depth studies in the main field of study. In addition, the student must hold a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelor of Arts in…, a professional degree worth at least 180 higher education credits or an equivalent foreign qualification.

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) students must have completed an independent project (degree project) worth at least 30 higher education credits in their main field of study.

Local regulations

A degree of Master (120 credits) may, except for courses on advanced level, contain one or several courses on basic level comprising not more than 30 higher education credits. The course or the courses are meant to provide such additional competence as is needed for in-depth studies in the main field of study and cannot be included in the student's basic degree.

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) students must have completed an independent project (degree project) worth at least 30 higher education credits.

Other regulations

Application for the programme is done via Tartu Ülikool.

