Bachelor's Programme in Information Systems
Programme syllabus, SSY1K
- Code
- Finalised by
- The Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 11 December 2012
- Registration number
- SAMFAK 2012/147, Doss 3:1:1
- Responsible faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Responsible department
- Department of Informatics and Media
Entry requirements
General entry requirements and English 6, Mathematics 3b/3c, Social Studies 1b/1a1+1a2 or English B, Mathematics C, Civics A
Information systems is about developing and applying information technology (IT) to solve problems and to identify and create new opportunities for people, organisations and society. During the programme, the student will acquire knowledge of IT-based information systems. This means being able to identify the needs of people and organisations, designing and developing IT solutions to meet those needs, and to implement such solutions in different types of surroundings. Students are prepared for contributing to the development of the complex structure of systems and the information that are essential for the modern society. The student will through broad basic knowledge become well equipped to participate in the development of the information society.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
After completing the programme the student will have acquired
- understanding of the key concepts in the area of information systems, including knowledge of IT, business development, software engineering, program development, databases, human-computer interaction as well as of the Internet and social media,
- knowledge of the scientific basis for information systems, relevant methods within the area, as well as awareness of current research issues
- understanding of how information technology can be used to create value for people, organisations and society,
- knowledge and familiarity with the theories and methods used in the development of information systems,
- understanding of how different perspectives on IT is reflected in development projects and
- understanding of information systems and software engineering in a larger organisational and technical context.
Skills and abilities
After completing the programme the student will have acquired
- the ability to search, collect, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information to a problem and to critically discuss IT-related phenomena, issues and situations;
- ability to identify, formulate and solve problems and to perform tasks in a timely manner,
- the ability to verbally and in writing present and discuss information, problems and solutions in dialogue with different groups,
- the ability to develop and apply IT to solve problems and capitalise on the potential of people, organisations and society,
- familiarity with the applicable methods for the development of information systems in different contexts,
- proficiency to analyse and specify requirements for information systems in collaboration with users and other stakeholders,
- proficiency in designing and constructing of software, user interfaces and databases, taking into account existing systems and infrastructure, and
- ability to work in project teams.
Judgement and approach
After completing the programme the student will have acquired
- the ability to make judgements with respect to scientific, social and ethical aspects within the main field of information systems;
- understanding the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility for how it is used and
- the ability to identify the need of further knowledge and development of their skills.
Layout of the programme
The Bachelor Programme in Information Systems gives a broad expertise within the field of information systems. The programme provides knowledge of the theories and methods for the design of information systems. Central is information technology, business development, software engineering, system development, databases, human-computer interaction and the Internet and social media – i.e. the knowledge needed to obtain a complete picture of the field. To facilitate understanding of the theoretical and methodological base, courses in mathematics and logic are included in the programme. During one semester the student is given the possibility to choose a selective course.
In the programme the main field of study is information systems (90 credits). Other areas are databases (30 credits), human-computer interaction, IT law, logic and mathematics (total 30 credits). The programme includes a semester where students are free to choose between different subjects (30 credits).
Semester and Courses
Semester 1. Information Systems 1-22.5 credits, Databases 1-7.5 credits.
Semester 2. Mathematics 7.5 credits, Human-Computer Interaction 7.5 credits, Information Systems 22.5-30 credits, Databases 7.5-15 credits.
Semester 3. Elective course 30 credits
Semester 4. Information Systems 30-45 credits, IT law 7.5 credits, Logic 7.5 credits
Semester 5. Information Systems 45-67.5 credits, Databases 15-22.5 credits
Semester 6. Information Systems 67.5-90 credits, Databases 22.5-30 credits
The first year will give an introduction to the area of study with courses in software engineering, object-oriented programming, databases, E-services and web programming. There are also courses in algorithms and data structures. Mathematics will help understand how computers work and how data progrms can be built. There is also a course in human-computer interaction. During the second year the first semester gives a free choice between different courses, such as business administration, pedagogics, media and communication, biology or linguistics. Furthermore information and IT security, IT law, logic and multimedia will be studied. The third year will deepen the knowledge within information systems with courses such as oject-oriented programming, business and IT development, data mining and data warehousing, Internet-based systems, and information infrastructure. During the last semester there is a course in research method as well as the final degree project.
The courses are given as of lectures, labs and seminars. More practically oriented instruction is given in connection with laboratory work at computers and supervision of assignments, memos and papers. Assessment on the course is in the form of written tests, seminars and assignments.
The programme leads to a Degree of Bachelor of 180 credits with 90 credits within the main field of study (Information Systems) including an independent project (degree project) worth 15 credits, and 30 credits within a field of study.
Other directives
The programme gives permission to apply to the two-year Master programme in information systems at Uppsala University.
Transitional provisions
This syllabus is valid for students accepted to the programme from autumn 2013.