Is this programme right for you?

Filip, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Filip Simonsson
From: Hofterup, Skåne, Sweden

The natural next step for me was a Master’s degree in finance, where I could sharpen my skills further, and gain greater knowledge about financial instruments and their impact on the market.

What made you choose this programme and what did you study before?
– I’ve known since school that I wanted to study economics when I grew up. This drive is what later steered me towards the stock market, and I’ve been hooked by the world of finance ever since. I studied a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Economics at Jönköping International Business School, a Bachelor’s in Supply Chain Management at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux and one year of law studies and economics at Lunds University. The natural next step for me was a Master’s degree in finance, where I could sharpen my skills further, and gain greater knowledge about financial instruments and their impact on the market.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– As a student in Uppsala, student life isn’t just something that reeks of centuries of partying, but something that represents centuries of learning. I’d say that the old historical buildings, the engaging and knowledgeable teachers, and the vibrant student life.

What has been most challenging?
– The classics: deadlines, piles of course literature, tricky exams. My approach has been to break down the problems into smaller pieces, make lists, and ask friends for help. It’s much easier to master problems if you start making progress somewhere, the sense of productivity and completion is important to keep your spirits up.

Tell us about student life!
– There isn’t much that can beat open-minded people, in great surroundings, with student-friendly prices. The nations are a great part of student life, don’t forget to become a member! A lot of memorable, although foggy, nights have been had in this town.

What are your goals with your studies?
To complete the plan 10-year old Filip formulated; getting good grades, getting into high school, starting a Bachelor’s and then a Master’s, and getting a job. Jokes aside, the main goal is to sharpen my knowledge in finance and apply it to my job starting this fall.

What advice do you have for other students interested in applying for the same programme?
– Don’t be afraid to apply, and try! A classmate told me in the beginning that “The worst thing that can happen is that you only pass – if you fail your course you’ll just try again and get it right”. I think that mentality is important. Also, take part in Walpurgis celebrations, it’s fun!

Three short questions!
Favourite place in Uppsala?
– Outside Carolina Rediviva, looking down on the cathedral, the castle and Uppsala city centre.

What is the best student tradition at Uppsala University?
– Walpurgis.

Where is the best place to study?
– Carolina Rediviva, a window seat by the map tables in room A.

Spring 2022


