Governance, Organisation and Standards
7.5 credits
Reading list, Master's level, 2FE992
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Ahrne, G., Organization outside organizations: the significance of partial organization, Part of: Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society., vol. 18, 2011, p. 83–104Compulsory
- Belton, B.; Haque, M.M.; Little, D.C., Certifying catfish in Vietnam and Bangladesh: Who will make the grade and will it matter?, Food Policy vol 36 pp 289-299, 2011
- Boström, M.; Tamm Hallström, K., NGO power in global social and environmental standard setting, Global Environmental Politics, Vol10 (4), pp 36-59, 2010
- Bush, S. R. et al., The 'devils triangle' of MSC certification: Balancing credibility, accessibility and continuous improvement, Marine Policy vol 37 pp 288-293, 2013
- Carroll,, C.E.; McCombs, M., Agenda-Setting Effects of Business News on the Public's Images and Opinions about Major Corporations, Corporate Reputation Review 6(1), 36-46, 2003
- Grafström, M.; Windell, K., The Role of Infomediaries: CSR in the Business Press During 2000-2009, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 221-237., 2011
- Göthberg, P., Lost in translation: The case of Skandias ideas for life, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2011 (The case of Skandias ideas for life, Chap 6 in Göthberg PhD dissertation.)
- Mazza, C.; Alvarez, J.L., , Haute Couture and Pret-a`-Porter: The Popular Press and the Diffusion of Management Practices, Organization Studies 21(3), 2000
- Mueckenberger, U.; Jastram, S., Transnational Norm-Building Networks and the Legitimacy of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards, Journal of Business Ethics, 97: 223-239., 2010
- Sjöström, E, Shareholders as Norm Entrepreneurs for Corporate Social Responsibility., Journal of Business Ethics, 94(2): 177-191, 2010
The reading list will be complemented by articles and reports distributed during the course.
* Compulsory