Political Science B
30 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2SK059
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Problems of Democracy
- Oskarsson, Sven; Widmalm, Sten, Myt eller verklighet: om samband mellan demokrati och ekonomisk tillväxt, Stockholm, Norstedt, 2010Compulsory
- Dahl, Robert A., Democracy and its critics, New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, cop. 1989Compulsory
Articles will be added
Gender, Power and Institutions
Kursen ges höstterminen 2015
- Mackay, Fiona.; Krook, Mona Lena., Gender, politics and institutions: towards a feminist institutionalism, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Compulsory
- Brantenberg, Gerd, Egalia's daughters: a satire of the sexes, Emeryville, CA, Seal Press, 2004Compulsory
Articles will be added
The Political System of the European Union
Kursen ges höstterminen 2015
- Hix, Simon.; Høyland, Bjørn., The political system of the European Union, 3. ed., Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Compulsory
- Bulmer, Simon; Lequesne, Christian, The member states of the European Union, 2nd ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press, cop. 2013Compulsory
Articles will be added
Organising power
Kursen ges höstterminen 2015
- Hertting, Nils; Vedung, Evert, Den utvärderingstäta politiken: styrning och utvärdering i svensk storstadspolitik, 1. uppl., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2009Compulsory
- Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale, Public policy: a new introduction, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012Compulsory
- Persson, Thomas; Wiberg, Matti, Parliamentary government in the Nordic countries at a crossroads: coping with challenges from Europeanisation and presidentialisation, Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press, 2011Compulsory
- Wockelberg, Helena, Why "Multi-Level" and "Governance" are Concepts of Relevance for our Understanding of Member State Implementation of EU Law, Part of: Administrative law beyond the state: Nordic perspectives, 1. ed., Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013, p. 32–46Compulsory
- Wockelberg, Helena, Så arbetar svenska regeringar, Part of: Regeringsmakten i Sverige: ett experiment i parlamentarism 1917-2009, 1. uppl., Stockholm, SNS förlag, 2010, p. 106–142Compulsory
- Wockelberg, Helena; Ahlbäck Öberg, Shirin, Ansvarsfullt ansvarsutkrävande, om bruk och missbruk av KU, Part of: Statsvetare ifrågasätter: Uppsalamiljön vid tiden för professorsskiftet den 31 mars 2008, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2008, p. 299–312Compulsory
Articles and course reader will be added
Development Theory and Colonial Legacies
Kursen ges höstterminen 2015
- Cooper, Frederick, Africa since 1940: the past of the present, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002Compulsory
- Hobson, John M, Discovering the Oriental West, Part of: The postcolonial science and technology studies reader, Durham, [N.C.], Duke University Press, 2011, p. 39–60Compulsory
- Larson, Brooke., Trials of nation making: liberalism, race, and ethnicity in the Andes, 1810-1910., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2004Compulsory
- The new Cambridge history of India.: 3 [The Indian empire and the beginnings of modern society], 4 Ideologies of the Raj, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996Compulsory
- World Development: Globalisation in Historical Perspective, Part of: World development: an introduction, London, Pluto, 2001, p. 13–34Compulsory
- Rist, Gilbert, The History of Development: from Western origins to global faith, Fourth edition., London, Zed books, 2014Compulsory (pp. 25- 139)
- Scott, Catherine, Tradition and Gender in Modernization Theory, Part of: The postcolonial science and technology studies reader, Durham, [N.C.], Duke University Press, 2011, p. 290–309Compulsory
- Washbrook, David, India 1818-1860: The Two Faces of Colonialism, Part of: The Oxford history of the British Empire.: Vol. 3 The nineteenth century, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, vol. 3, p. 395–421Compulsory
Articles will be added
International Politics
- Reus-Smit, Christian; Snidal, Duncan, The Oxford handbook of international relations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010Compulsory (Paperback edition)
- Betts, Richard K., The Delusion of Impartial Intervention, Part of: Turbulent peace: the challenges of managing international conflict., Washington, D.C., United States Institute of Peace Press, 2001, p. 285–294Compulsory
Articles will be added
- Beckman, Ludvig, Grundbok i idéanalys: det kritiska studiet av politiska texter och idéer, Stockholm, Santérus, 2005Compulsory
- Esaiasson, Peter et al., Metodpraktikan: Konsten att studera samhälle, individ och marknad, 4. uppl., Norstedts Juridik AB, 2012Compulsory
- Teorell, Jan; Svensson, Torsten, Att fråga och att svara: samhällsvetenskaplig metod, 1. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2007Compulsory (pp. 21–31 and 247–261)
Articles and course material will be added
Comparative Politics
Kursen ges vårterminen 2016
Disclaimer: the course will be given according to the proposed outline given that there will be enough teachers available to teach in the course.
- Widmalm, Sten, Kashmir in comparative perspective: democracy and violent separatism in India, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2006Compulsory (Make sure you get this particular edition!)
- Buruma, Ian, Murder in Amsterdam: the death of Theo van Gogh and the limits of tolerance, Pbk ed., London, Atlantic Books, 2006Compulsory
Articles and some comparative classics will be added
Political Theory
Kursen ges vårterminen 2016
- Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary political philosophy: an introduction, 2. ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002 [dvs. 2001]Compulsory
- Singer, Peter, One world: the ethics of globalization, New Haven, Conn. ; a London, Yale University Press, 2004Compulsory
Articles will be added
Swedish politics
Kursen ges vårterminen 2016
- Garsten, Christina; Rothstein, Bo; Svallfors, Stefan, Makt utan mandat: de policyprofessionella i svensk politik, 1. uppl., Stockholm, Dialogos, 2015Compulsory
- Holmström, Mikael, Den dolda alliansen: Sveriges hemliga NATO-förbindelser, 3. uppl., Stockholm, Atlantis, 2012Compulsory
- Jansson, Jenny, Manufacturing consensus: the making of the Swedish reformist working class, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Univ., 2012Compulsory
Articles and course reader will be added
Environmental Politics and Its Challenges
Kursen ges vårterminen 2016
- Ostrom, Elinor, Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990Compulsory
Articles will be added
* Compulsory
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2023
- Syllabus valid from Spring 2023
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2022
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2021
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2020, version 2
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2020, version 1
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2019
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2018
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2017
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2016
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2015
- Syllabus valid from Spring 2015
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2014
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2013
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2012
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2011
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2010, version 2
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2010, version 1
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2009, version 2
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2009, version 1
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2008
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2007