Cultural Heritage in Peace and Conflicts
7.5 credits
Reading list, Master's level, 5KV706
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
Mandatory literature
- Barakat, Sultan, Postwar reconstruction and the recovery of cultural heritage: critical lessons from the last fifteen years, Part of: Cultural heritage in postwar recovery: papers from the ICCROM Forum held on October 4-6, 2005, Rome, ICCROM, 2007Compulsory (pp. 26–39)
- Foradori, Paolo; Rosa, Paolo, Expanding the peacekeeping agenda: The protection of cultural heritage in war-torn societies, Part of: Global change, peace & security., vol. Vol. 29, 2017Compulsory (pp. 145–160)
- Brosché, Johan et al., Heritage under attack: motives for targeting cultural property during armed conflict, 2016Compulsory
- Kalman, H, Destruction, mitigation, and reconciliation of cultural heritage, Part of: International journal of heritage studies: IJHS., vol. Vol. 23, 2017Compulsory (pp. 538–555)
- Kila, Joris; Zeidler, James A., Cultural heritage in the crosshairs: protecting cultural property during conflict, Leiden, Brill, 2013Compulsory (E-book. Pp. 9–50, 195–218)
- Kisić, Višnja, Governing Heritage Dissonance. Promises and Realities of Selected Cultural Policies, European Cultural Foundation, 2017Compulsory (E-book. 322 pages.)
- Legnér, Mattias, Post-conflict reconstruction and the heritage process, Part of: Journal of Architectural Conservation, 2018Compulsory
- Legnér, Mattias, Securitizing the past: a discussion on the connections between heritage and security, Chişinău, 2017Compulsory
- Leturq, J.-G., Heritage-making and Policies of Identity in the "Post-conflict Reconstruction" of Sudan, Part of: Égypte/Monde arabe, no. nr. 5-6, 2009Compulsory (Part of: Pratiques du Patrimoine en Égypte et au Soudan Pp. 295–328)
- Nasser, Rabat, Heritage as a Right: Heritage and the Arab Spring, Part of: International Journal of Islamic Architecture, vol. Vol. 5, no. 6, 2016Compulsory (pp. 267–278)
- Newson, Paul; Young, Ruth, Post-conflict archaeology and cultural heritage: rebuilding knowledge, memory and community from war-damaged material culture, New York, Routledge, 2018Compulsory
- Rehberg, K. S.; Neutzner, M., The Dresden Frauenkirche as a Contested Symbol: The Architecture of Remembrance after War, Part of: War and cultural heritage: biographies of place, New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 2015Compulsory (pp. 98–127)
- Rush, L. W., Cultural Property as a Force Multiplier in Stability Operations: World War II Monuments Officers Lessons Learned, Part of: Military review., 2012Compulsory (March-April 2012, pp. 36–42)
- Stone, P., Human right and cultural property protection in times of conflict, Part of: International journal of heritage studies: IJHS., vol. Vol. 18, no. 3, 2012Compulsory (pp. 271–284)
- Viejo-Rose, Dacia, Reconstructing Heritage in the Aftermath of Civil War: Re-Visioning the Nation and the Implications of International Involvement, Part of: Journal of intervention and statebuilding, vol. Vol. 7, no. 2, 2013Compulsory
- Watenpaugh, H, Cultural Heritage and the Arab Spring, Part of: International Journal of Islamic Architecture, vol. Vol. 5, no. 6, 2016Compulsory (pp. 245–263)
Additional literature of no more than 300 pages may be distributed during the course.
* Compulsory