Gender Theory
7.5 credits
Reading list, Master's level, 5GN010
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Connell, Raewyn; Pearse, Rebecca, Om genus, 3., [omarb. och uppdaterade] uppl., Göteborg, Daidalos, 2015
- Price, Janet; Shildrick, Margrit, Feminist theory and the body: a reader, New York, Routledge, c1999
- Lykke, Nina, Genusforskning: en guide till feministisk teori, metodologi och skrift, 1. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2009
- Tollin, Katharina; Törnqvist, Maria, Feminism i rörliga bilder, 2., utök. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2014
Reading list
- Ahmed, Sara, Att leva feministiskt, Hägersten, Tankekraft Förlag, 2017Compulsory
- Ahmed, Sara, Living a feminist life, Durham, Duke University Press, 2017Compulsory
- Ahmed, Sara, A Phenomenology of Whiteness, Part of: Feminist theory., vol. 8, no. 2, 2007, p. 149–168
- Ahmed, Sara, On Collective Feelings, or the Impressions Left by Others, Part of: Theory, culture & society., vol. 20, no. 1, 2004, p. 25–42
- Alarcon, Norma, The Theoretical Subjects of This Bridge Called My Back and Anglo- American Feminism, Part of: Making face, making soul: Haciendo caras: creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color, 1. ed., San Francisco, Aunt Lute Books, cop. 1990, p. 356–366
- Arruzza, Cinzia; Bhattacharya, Tithi; Fraser, Nancy, Feminism for the 99 percent: a manifesto, London, Verso, 2019
- Bilge, Sirma, Whitening Intersectionality: Evanescence of Race in Intersectionality Scholarship, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2015
- Braidotti, Rosi, Difference, Diversity and Nomadic subjectivity,, Online artikel här:
- Butler, Judith, Is kinship always already heterosexual?, Part of: Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2002, p. 14–44
- Carby, Hazel V., White Woman Listen!: Black Feminism and the Boundaries of Sisterhood, Part of: Black British feminism: a reader, London, Routledge, 1997, p. 45–53
- Cixous, Hélène, The Laugh of the Medusa, Part of: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 1, no. 4, 1976, p. 875–893
- Combahee River Collective, The, A black feminist statement
- Cuesta, Marta; Mulinari, Diana, The bodies of others in Swedish feminism, Part of: Gender, place and culture: a journal of feminist geography, vol. 25, no. 7, 2018, p. 978–993
- Freeman, Elizabeth, 'Packing History, Count(er)ing Generations, Part of: New literary history, vol. 31, no. 4, 2000, p. 727–744
- Frye, Marilyn, The politics of reality: essays in feminist theory, Trumansburg, N.Y., Crossing P., cop 1983
- Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature, New York, Routledge, 1991
- Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective, Part of: Feminist studies, 14(1988):3, s. 575-599
- Hayward, Eva, Spider city sex, Part of: Women & performance: a journal of feminist theory, vol. 20, no. 3, 2010, p. 225–251
- Hemmings, Claire, Affective solidarity: feminist reflexivity and political transformation, Part of: Feminist theory., no. 13, 2012, p. 147–161
- Hemmings, Clare, Telling feminist stories, Part of: Feminist theory, 2005(6):2, s. 115-139
- Hill Collins, Patricia; Bilge, Sirma, Intersectionality, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2016
- Hobson, Janell, The "Batty" Politic: Toward an Asthetic of the Black Female Body, Part of: Hypatia, vol. 18, no. 4, 2003, p. 87–104
- hooks, bell, Feminist theory: from margin to center, 2. ed., London, Pluto Press, cop. 2000
- hooks, bell, Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom, London, Routledge, 1994
- Jasbir, Puar K., Prognosis time: Towards a geopolitics of affect, debility and capacity, Part of: Women & performance: a journal of feminist theory, vol. 19, no. 2, 2009, p. 161–172
- Lahiri, Madhumita, Crimes and Corrections: Bride Burners, Corrective Rapists, and Ohter Black Misogynists, Part of: Feminist Africa, no. 15, 2011, p. 121–134
- Lugones, Maria, Playfulness, "World"-Travelling, and Loving Perception, Part of: Hypatia, vol. 2, no. 2, 1987, p. 3–19
- Mulinari, Diana, "Race"/ethnicity in a "Nordic" context: a reflection from the Swedish borderlands, Part of: Svensk genusforskning i världen: globala perspektiv i svensk genusforskning och svensk genusforskning i ett globalt perspektiv: [konferensrapport, Örebro 30.11-1.12 2000], Göteborg, Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning, 2001
- Munoz, Jose Esteban, Feeling brown: Ethnicity and Affect in Ricardo Bracho's "The Sweetest Hangover (And Other STDs)", Part of: Theatre journal, vol. 52, no. 1, 2000, p. 67–79
- Paternotte, David; Kuhar, Roman, 'Gender ideology' in movement: Introduction, Part of: Anti-gender campaigns in Europe: mobilizing against equality, London, Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., [2017], p. 1–22
- Rodriguez, Juana Maria, Gestures and Utterances: Fragments from a butch-femme archive, Part of: A companion to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007
- Rubin, Gayle, The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex, Part of: Women, class, and the feminist imagination: a socialist-feminist reader, Philadelphia, Temple Univ. Press, 1990, p. 74–113
- Serano, Julia., Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity, Seattle, Wash., Seal, 2007
- Spillers, Hortense J., Mama's baby, Papa's maybe: An American Grammar Book, Part of: Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism, vol. 17, no. 2, 1987, p. 64–81
- Stryker, Susan, More Words about "My Words to Victor Frankenstein", Part of: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, p. 39–44
- Stryker, Susan, My words to Victor Frankenstein above the village of Chamounix: Performing transgender rage, Part of: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 1994, p. 237–254
- Tate, Shirley-Ann, Not all the women want to be white: Decolonizing Beauty Studies, Part of: Decolonizing European Sociology: Transdisciplinary Approaches, p. 195–210
- Ahmed, Sara, Introduction: Sexism - a problem with a name, Part of: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, vol. 86, 2015, p. 5–13
- Ahmed, Sara, Orientations: Towards a Queer Phenomenology, Part of: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 12, no. 4, 2007, p. 543–574
- Barad, Karen, Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter, Part of: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 28, no. 3, 2003, p. 801–831
- Beasley, Chris, 'Caution! Hazards ahead: Considering the potential gap between feminist thinking and men/masculinities theory and practice', Part of: Journal of sociology., vol. 51, no. 3, p. 566–581
- Brah, Avtar; Phoenix, Ann, Ain't I A Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality, Part of: Journal of International Women's Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, 2004, p. 75–86
- Budgeon, Shelley, Identity as embodied event, Part of: Body & society., vol. 9, no. 1, 2003, p. 35–55
- Butler, Judith, Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of "sex", New York, Routledge, 1993
- Butler, Judith, Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, New York, Routledge, 2006
- Chambers, Samuel A., "Sex" and the problem of the Body: Reconstructing Judith Butler's theory of sex/gender, Part of: Body & society., vol. 13, no. 4, 2007, p. 47–75
- Crenshaw, Kimberle, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, Part of: Stanford law review., vol. 43, no. 6, 1991, p. 1241–1299
- Dahl, Ulrika, Femmebodiment: Notes on the queer feminine shapes of vulnerability, Part of: Feminist theory., vol. 18, no. 1, 2017, p. 35–53
- Dahl, Ulrika, Queering Sexism and Whiteness with Marily Frye, Part of: Paragraph: the journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group, vol. 41, no. 3, 2018, p. 333–348
- Dahl, Ulrika, Sexism: A femme-inist perspective, Part of: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, vol. 86, 2015, p. 54–73
- Dahl, Ulrika, Skamgrepp: femme-inistiska essäer, Stockholm, Leopard, 2014
- Livholts, Mona, Emergent writing methodologies in feminist studies, London, Routledge, 2012
- Freeman, Elizabeth, Queer belongings: Kinship theory and queer theory, Part of: A companion to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, p. 295–314
- Hill Collins, Patricia, It's All in the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation, Part of: Hypatia, vol. 13, no. 3, 1998, p. 68–82
- Lewis, Gail, unsafe Travel: Experiencing Intersectionality and Feminist Displacements, Part of: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 38, no. 4, 2013, p. 869–892
- Lorde, Audre, Sexism: An American Disease in Blackface, Part of: Sister outsider: essays and speeches, Berkeley, Calif., Crossing Press, c2007., p. 60–65
- Lykke, Nina, Feminist studies: a guide to intersectional theory, methodology and writing, New York, Routledge, 2010
- McCall, Leslie, The complexity of intersectionality, Part of: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 30, no. 3, 2005, p. 1771–1800
- McClintock, Anne, Family feuds: gender, nationalism and the family, Part of: Feminist review., 44, 1993, s. 61-80
- Lykke, Nina, Writing academic texts differently: intersectional feminist methodologies and the playful art of writing, London, Routledge, 2014
* Compulsory