Education, Labour Market and Professions
7.5 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 4PE181
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Rolf van der Velden; Jim Allen, The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society, Springer Netherlands, 2011Compulsory
- Brante, Thomas, Professionerna i kunskapssamhället: en jämförande studie av svenska professioner, 1. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2015Compulsory
- Brown, Phillip; Hesketh, Anthony, The mismanagement of talent: employability and jobs in the knowledge economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004Compulsory
- Eide, E.R., Showalter, M.H., Human Capital, Part of: International Encyclopedia of Education, 3. ed., Oxford, Elsevier, cop. 2010, p. 6Compulsory
- Eklund, Johan; Pettersson, Lars, Högskola i otakt, Första upplagan, Stockholm, Dialogos, [2017]Compulsory
- Evetts, J., Short Note: The Sociology of Professional Groups: New Directions, Part of: Current sociology: published in association with the International Sociological Association, vol. 54, no. 1, 2006, p. 133–143Compulsory
- le Grand, C; Szulkin, R; Tibajev, A; & Tåhlin, M, Vid arbetslivets gränser: sysselsättning, matchning, barriärer 1974-2010, Stockholm: Parlamentariska socialförsäkringsutredningen, underlagsrapport 12, 2013Compulsory
- Trow, M, Reflections on the Transition from Elite to Mass to Universal Access: Forms and Phases of Higher Education in Modern Societies since WWII" in International Handbook of Higher Education, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2006Compulsory
* Compulsory