Economic History

By studying economic history, you will gain knowledge of past societal developments and acquire a solid foundation to understand and address today's economic and societal issues. One such issue is how technology affects the working life and labour market. Another concerns economic crises and fluctuations, which have significant consequences for the overall economy and for individuals. Has something similar happened before? Have we learned anything from this? What factors cause economic crises? Other questions raised by economic historians include: Why does the pace of economic development progress vary during different periods in various parts of the world? How have resources been distributed, and how has this affected people's living conditions and environment? How have economic ideas and theories affected society?
The study of economic history is often global in character. During the present period of great change in the Swedish, as well as the European, economy and politics, we ask whether our historical experiences can provide guidance for the future. It is possible to pursue this international connection through studies at different European universities within the Erasmus exchange program.
Economic history can be included in a Degree of Bachelor of Arts and in a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics, as well as in a Bachelor of Education for the Compulsory School and a Master of Education for Upper Secondary School Teaching. Economic history is included in the Degree Programmes for History and for the Social Sciences. You can take a Master Degree in Economic History as part of the Master Programme for the Social Sciences.
A degree in economic history is useful in many areas. In addition to continuing on at the university as graduate students, researchers and teachers, our former students work as research analysts, consultants, teachers and journalists, fields in which they have good use of the knowledge and skills they have attained from their studies in economic history.
Our students appreciate the broad perspectives within the subject. Many feel that an economic-historical perspective provides them with a better understanding of contemporary society and of their other fields of study in business, economics and political science. Many also appreciate the analytical skills they acquire through writing academic essays in economic history.
Bachelor's level, basic courses
Bachelor's level, continuing courses
Master's level courses
- Director of Studies Olle Jansson
- +46 18 471 73 14