Advanced Course in Immunology, Genetics and Pathology

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3MG019

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Medical Science A1N
Grading system
Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Medicine/Chair, 1 March 2011
Responsible department
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology

Entry requirements

For admission to the course, at least 2 years higher education within naturvetar are required -, biomedical - or the medicinarprogrammet or the civilingenjörsprgrammet molecular biotechnology, containing courses in cell biology, genetics, molecular genetics, biochemistry and chemistry equivalent 120 credits or the equivalent knowledge. For admission, agreement concerning project set-ups and supervision with of the course director passed supervisor are also required. Certificates from supervisor if överskommet projects should be enclosed the application.

Learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to:

- independently plan and carry out scholarly experiments.

- apply a scholarly working method.

- compile, analyse critically and evaluate received results.

- orally and present the achieved results in writing.

- communicate theories and research results with senior researchers in projects that lie within subject - the field immunology, genetics and pathology.


The course comprises a 10 weeks of work within the framework of a research project and studies of relevant scholarly literature in connection with this.


The teaching is given in the form of laboratory work and self-study under supervision. Furthermore active participation in teaching and seminars that connects to project's subject study field after agreement with supervisors. Participation in the different parts of the course are compulsory. The course is possibly given in English.


At the end of the course, projekarbete in the form of oral seminar and/or written report are presented, which is decided by the supervisor. Being required for the grade passed that presentation and participation in seminars and other compulsory parts been assessed passed.


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