Introduction to the Bachelor Programme in Physics
Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 1FA606
- Code
- 1FA606
- Education cycle
- First cycle
- Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
- Physics G1N
- Grading system
- Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
- Finalised by
- The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 9 March 2017
- Responsible department
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
Entry requirements
General entry requirements and Physics 2, Mathematics 4 or Physics B, Mathematics E
Learning outcomes
After finishing the course the students should be able to
- describe the research that is done within physics, geophysics, meteorology and astronomy
- conduct simple oral presentations of scientific material
- assess and discuss qualities in own and others’ oral presentations
- plan their physics studies and reflect over their way of learning
- use established techniques in order to facilitate their studies
- use the computer programmes needed within the programme’s fundamental courses
The perception of physics from a historical, philosophical and social perspective. The culture of physics. Present research: Study visit in research groups and discussion of scientific publications. Introduction to the Bachelor Programme and to computer systems.
Seminars and lectures. Guest lectures. Study visit in research group. The course makes use of subject integrated communication training with feedback and self evaluation.
Mandatory tasks during the course (1 credit). Oral presentation after visiting a research group (2 credits). Discussion of scientific publication (2 credits).