Degree Project C-Level

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5EN009

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
English G2E
Grading system
Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 12 April 2018
Responsible department
Department of English

Entry requirements

English A1 and English B1

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course students will have the competence to carry out an independent examination and account of a delimited topic in literature in English, or English linguistics.

In addition, the student will be able to

  • apply an analytical approach to the material
  • show a basic familiarity with formal aspects of academic writing
  • independently formulate and delimit a research question and select suitable primary sources
  • search for academic literature
  • critically evaluate both primary material and secondary sources
  • show insights into a selected subject area and critical issues in this area
  • show a knowledge of certain literary or, alternatively, linguistic methods of analysis
  • treat a delimited question in a paper, in correct English, observing academic methods and conventional principles of form
  • actively and independently participate in seminar discussions and present their own work
  • fulfil the role of peer reviewer in a final ventilation seminar
  • independently defend their own degree project
  • present their research findings in a clear and structured manner.


The course comprises a degree project worth 15 credits. There are three main specialisations: American literature, English literature, and English linguistics.


The course provides a general background to a given subject area in one of the main specialisations and treats relevant issues involved in academic writing and methods, individually or in groups.

The choice of topic within the subject area, which may vary from one semester to another, is decided in consultation between the student and the teacher/supervisor.

Examples of subject areas with specialisation in American or English literature: issues in literary criticism, literary history, sociology of literature, and teaching of literature.

Examples of subject areas with specialisation in linguistics: selected issues in phonology, grammar, variation analysis, language history, sociology of language, text linguistics, vocabulary, name research, translation, language teaching, language methodology.

In exceptional cases, following consultation with the teacher/supervisor, topics outside the given areas may be accepted. Once the topic has been determined, individual supervision of the degree project starts. The degree project will normally be presented at a seminar where one or more students are assigned to present their views on the project.

Supervision is given during the semester the student is registered for the first time and to some extent during the immediately following semester. No further supervision may be expected thereafter.


The examination consists of the production and defence of a degree project representing an investigation of a delimited topic in American or British literature or English linguistics, which is presented in English in a paper that applies conventional formal principles. The scope is about 8000 words. Beyond this each student must perform a critical review of another student’s degree project.

In assessing degree projects, attention will be paid primarily to the student’s ability to independently address a problem area and systematically report the preconditions, outline, execution, and findings of the work and, secondarily, to the form of the work in terms of its fulfilment of formal criteria and linguistic correctness. Projects receiving the grade of Pass with distinction must satisfy both academic and linguistic criteria of excellence.

Grades used are either Fail, Pass, or Pass with Distinction.

Students who fail an examination twice have the right upon request, following consultation with the head of department, to have another examiner appointed.

Other directives

The course cannot be counted towards a degree together with the courses English C1 and English HS5.

Transitional provisions

For transitional regulations in the case of changes in the syllabus, please contact the student adviser.

